Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Heā€™s some arsehole to be making that announcement


Good job. Alternative to not fighting it would likely be we would have lost a lot more as hospital services would have been overwhelmed so people having strokes, heart attacks, cancer and in accidents would have died in greater numbers by not having access to health care

Add to that the societal impact of people dying by being denied medical care and the appalling vista opens up. Society is fragile and can fracture fairly quickly if there is an avalanche of deaths as we saw in Italy.

You would never know til afterwards when it will end. When this is over people will know when it ended and so that will allow after timing. We donā€™t have that luxury in the storm.

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Highly unlikely. The first cases detected outside China were in surrounding countries like Thailand and S. Korea in early to mid January, countries that have lots of travel to and from China, and countries that were doing a lot of testing even back then. There would have to have been infected people travelling from Wuhan to Ireland in December to back up your hypothesis. I think thereā€™s little doubt it came to Ireland from Italy in early to mid February.

Iā€™m certain I had this in November too, just like Breda on Facebook (cc @TreatyStones).


It was deffo in Ireland in November so thatā€™s plausible.

How long was it in China for though @labane1917? Was there some talk that they tried to keep it quiet?

Ireland was a pretty open global economy up until recently too.

Never going to be cases detected unless youā€™re looking for something :smiley:

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It started to spread in December, and of course they covered it up locally in Wuhan. The countries that should be trusted are Singapore, Korea, etc countries that were actually on the lookout since the 2003 SARS outbreak. They would have been all over any unusual respiratory illnesses, and the evidence is their first cases were in mid to late January.

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Did you have it back then as well mate? Thatā€™s three times youā€™ve had it now and survived. What a man.


Nuke China after this.

Antibody test

The Chinese are destroying East Africa.

I would argue the opposite. Take one simple example. Most traffic is off the road now for a minimum of two weeks and probably a lot more. That should lead to a reduction in deaths due to rtas. Ditto factory and probably some farm accidents. In terms of other illnesses such as cancer etc. it is my understanding that private hospitals will ow predominantly take on the role of dealing g with these patients. Therefore what you are saving on one side, you are simply transferring to the other.
The reason I asked is that you now have a ,or of analysts in other countries making the point about people who would have died this year anyway but are officially registered as dying from the virus.
Imo this is spin of the highest order and smacks of despair.


Coal plants?

No. Iā€™ve never had it. But I know a few people that did.

Were they tested?

Heā€™s a thundering disgrace is what he is

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Unclear if itā€™s true and even if it is itā€™s not his place to announce by social media to scoop some publicity or to try and win an internet argument.

Utterly disdainful behaviour.

The real reason heā€™s tweeted that is that heā€™s seething about an IT article claiming his sponsored twitter posts were pulled

Look mate. You had your shot at this and you blew it.Fuck away out if it now for yourself.

I dont know anything about him - have no interest to. But thats cuntish behaviour.

Fire up your post from November when you announced the arrival of the virus to Ireland. December or January would be fine as well.