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Ireland: Confirmed cases of coronavirus halves

Rory Carroll

Rory Carroll

Encouraging news from Ireland, where the daily growth rate in confirmed cases of coronavirus has halved and the country appears to have avoided an unmitigated epidemic, writes my colleague Rory Carroll in Dublin.

Restrictions on social and commercial life and other measures have had an ā€œenormousā€ impact, Philip Nolan, the Chair of The Irish Epidemiological Modelling Group, told a media briefing.

ā€œThe measures that the state has imposed and that the public have really complied with very, very strongly are having an enormous effect on the number of actual cases that weā€™re seeing today.ā€

However Nolan warned against complacency and said Covid-19ā€™s growth rate would have to fall to ā€œclose to zeroā€ for it to be suppressed.

The chief medical officer, Tony Holohan, agreed Ireland was seeing ā€œencouraging signsā€ in the effort to flatten the curve but said the number of cases and admissions to intensive care units continued to rise, putting hospitals at risk of being swamped. Officials are especially concerned about clusters in nursing homes and hospitals.

Ireland on Monday confirmed 295 new cases, the second highest daily number, bringing the total to 2,910. It recorded eight deaths, bringing the death toll to 54. Northern Ireland has 533 confirmed cases and 22 deaths.

weā€™re a week behind on results and have run out of tests - go easy will you. @TheBird is waiting a week for results

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Donā€™t shoot the messenger. Weā€™re in as good a shape as can be expected. I was just out for a run there. Even compared to yesterday roads were even quieter.

The bird has a 13 day lag from possible symptoms to results, if you add in the possible 14 day incubation period, thatā€™s almost a month

We are up to date on deaths though, and considering the real numbers of infected are a way, way higher our death toll is good. Especially when it seems half or more can be attributed to nursing home clusters.

So far obviously, very early days to be patting ourselves on the back, it could be off the charts tomorrow.

Thatā€™s definitive proof right there we have this sorted.

Leo, Leo, Leo!

The only people I have heard who have got a test is that bird from newstalk and Tubs and Claire Byrne. Actually that other bird from Cark who wrote that book at would be on Brendan Oā€™Connor show got one.

There are no testing kits in Ireland. Tests are not happening.

Thatā€™s just a lie.

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Okay. There are fuck all testing kits in Ireland. There are fuck all tests happening.

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Hunker in for another month and itā€™ll fade out.

I know a lad that went to the Croke Park testing drive through by appointment, but they had no testing kits. Instead he got a dressing room, stadium and museum tour off two people wearing the full protective gear.


itā€™s one way to bring down the numbers

Leo, Leo, Leo

So weā€™ve no testing kits and not enough ppe for the medical staff, this despite holohan saying heā€™s had his eye on the ball since January

Donā€™t be getting excited again


Truth bro.

It doesnā€™t really matter a fuck how many have it in the overall scheme of things. Everyone is supposed to be isolating anyway.
The ICU number is the one to watch, that number canā€™t lie, and thatā€™s the number thatā€™ll fuck us in the end if we make a balls of it


Ewan is an angry fool.

I suspect a more likely reason for the increase in Twitter activity is the high number of people stuck at home and engaging in social media for the first time.

Itā€™s long been a phenomenon seen by reporters and other commentators that any comment vaguely anti-SF received a barrage of comments underneath. Iā€™d imagine whatā€™s happening is a bit a of a swing the opposite direction and the usual whiners donā€™t particularly like having their rants questioned.


Heā€™s shameless :joy:


Doctors and nurses arenā€™t self isolating and there are approx 500 of them after getting it and are out of the picture. I presume losing that manpower is damaging.

Also, not knowing where the fuck we are in terms of numbers canā€™t be good either. If there was a big truck coming round the corner in the dark, youā€™d at least like to think it had itā€™s lights on

Apparently health is devolved to the North - they can choose their own policy.