Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The DUP can.

5,000 tests a day at the moment right?


Those people have been waiting for 5-6 days for a test and similar for a result.

@Julio_Geordio is right. Forget about the number of cases, watch ICU. Testing is broken and nobody should be reading into cases, good, bad or indifferent

Testing isn’t broken.

13 days between symptoms and getting a result is broken

But they already self isolating. So testing isn’t broken.

I think the point about testing being important to see how we’re doing is well made. For an individual though I don’t think it matters. If you need a test you self-isolate. If it gets worse you go to hospital.

I don’t think your point about health workers applies, they’re being prioritised for testing a land we’re still testing thousands per day

NÍ aren’t even doing community testing and you’ve the likes of @Thomas_Brady suggesting we align with them to save SF blushes and disguise their political impotence

They weren’t for the 14 days incubation. We have no idea where we are in this

Agree with that - that and deaths are the ultimate KPI

I have no interest in politicising this.


You’re contradicting yourself - you just said ICU is the most important. We know that and it’s being reported. No testing system will completely test the population so will always be incomplete.

I’ve some idea of the technical infrastructure and capabilities required to run these tests. It’s not insignificant - these aren’t like pregnancy tests that you just piss on and get a result. 5,000 tests a day from a near standing start is actually quite impressive and if as reported there are issues with getting specific reagents (because the rest of the world is looking for them too) that’s a further complicating external factor

FG should have made the tests so you can just piss on them. Disgraceful governing.

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People Appendage knows.

I’m not, I’m responding to another line. Testing is broken. An almost 2 week turnaround is unacceptable. It’s why we should give up on reading cases and just look at severe capacity. We are blind now

I’m hugely encouraged by these latest numbers lads.

The amount of negatives we are getting is absolutely baffling. It can only be encouraging, I think

Unacceptable is a fairly strong word in my view and gives no allowance for the technical and logistical challenges posed by the ramp-up or by the significant progress to date.

If holohan had his eyes on this since January, why did we wait until late Feb early march to begin the scale up and provision of these services.

Regardless, we are where we are now. I think we’ve been good on measures and bad on other things. Hopefully to fuck we’ve done enough to give the health service every chance