Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Probably :roll_eyes:

I never said they did. Take it up with Paulā€¦ The fact the government havent denied it says a lot.

Ooooft @Thomas_Brady @Bandage

Spreading fake news is dangerous.

Itā€™s fake news that youā€™re happily spreading. Shame on you.

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Itā€™s a national issue but Ewan will always get himself front & centre.

Most normal people can see the charade he engages in.

Cosgrove would be on his knees with a gun at the back of his head in China for spreading fake news.

@Thomas_Brady would be eaten by dogs to save the bullet

Is Ewan as outraged by the pandemic as he is by the Dubs.

The Shinnerbots are getting closer all the time to ā€œjet fuel canā€™t melt steel beamsā€ territory

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Himself & Paddy are a national embarrassment.

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The shills are hopping :grinning:

This is no time for spreading lies. You have a duty to your country and your family. Lies will tear us down.

Be more like Walter.

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Paddy Cosgrave seems to be some sort of Chinese government shill.

Lads donā€™t be putting up fellas personal details

Iā€™ll take it down, not withstanding the good doctor has shared same freely

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Leo has made it very clear he doesnā€™t want leadership from SFIRA, as has Michael

Heā€™s the white mans Rodman

Heā€™s an attention seeking contrarian no doubt but him getting it so wrong about Dublin GAA blinds people to the fact that gets it a hell of a lot more right on political matters than he gets things wrong.

Iā€™d imagine living under Bolsonaro gives him a big head start in being able to decipher bullshit from reality.

I just said he needs to be more like Walter and myself

Smoke and mirrors. The HSE have said that none of ā€œourā€ nurses have died.

But the Irish Times reported that a nurse had died.

The deliberately opaque phrasing from certain quarters during this crisis has been quite the sight to behold.

The Brits were at it the other day with them seemingly only counting people who had died in hospitals as part of the figures.

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Iā€™ll take this one. If its published by the SBP then it definitely isnā€™t commissioned by the gov. Thereā€™s some amount of fucking eejits out there.