Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

He was surely ball hopping. No one believes the government commissioned a poll for publishing

But if itā€™s commissioned by the Sindo, it is.

No, it isnā€™t. As you well know. But sure spread bullshit and smear while at the same time screaming ā€œfake newsā€ at any other stuff you donā€™t like.

SF IRA were claiming a mandate to govern based off SBP polls at the end of February. While they ran public rallies knowing Covid 19 was in the community.

But now is not the time for political point scoring so I even hesitate to bring it up.

Either way - it would seem fairly clear that Paddy Cosgrave was talking through his hole when he said 4 nurses had died. And purely to try and win an internet argument

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Is it possible that the unfortunate nurse worked for an agency in a nursing home, for example, and wasnā€™t employed by the HSE, thereby giving them deniability?

I can confirm that Government departments & agencies have been working with the media on efforts to water-down reporting to avoid public panic.

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Seriously tho ā€” Hiring a PR man when half the country are being laid off. The surge in bot accounts. Surge in PR photos. The cliched speeches and then the distancing of themselves from measures in the last speech and putting it all on Dr.Tony ā€¦ A dog with a mallet up his arse can see whatā€™s going on here.

Did you see his Mr Taoiseach mug ?

How long has he lived under Bolsonaro, mate?


I did. I give him points for that in fairness.

once we end the lock down we can start the public rallies too

We can clearly see what your up to here alright Bob.

The Sun says 42000 Wuhanese died. Massive cover up with the numbers. I canā€™t believe that.

The Deathsā€¦the cover up ā€¦or The Sun?

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Iā€™ll not research as I wouldnā€™t know where to start but if they have a high % of elderly population to start with that number is far from inplausible.

Its a bit quiet in Northern Italy at the momentā€¦

The USA on the otherhandā€¦

@Batigol is having a handy day in DUB


Dont know who is less believable the sun or the Chinese government. Haven spoken to Chinese friend living over he said whatā€™s being reported is a lie

And thereā€™s more seats there than FG and FF to form a government, they failed. Barely even tried at the start in fact.

I speak with the wisdom of my forefathers. My heart id guided by the great spirit.

I have learned that the point of lifeā€™s walk is not where or how far I move my feet but how I am moved in my heart.

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