Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Its absolutely disgusting

Big difference between thinking the Chinese government are a bunch of lying cunts and being racist against Chinese people

I wonā€™t lie tracksuit I use likes on twitter as a bookmark . It doesnā€™t mean I endorse them. Itā€™s a habit Iā€™ve carried over here. As I said the biggest danger to society is people trying to play the blame game. I wouldnā€™t like to be a Chinese person living in Ireland anyway for sure given some of the abuse Iā€™ve seen on here. I think most reasonable people know itā€™s not anybodies fault. Itā€™s just one of those things. We will all suffer in many ways but we all need to stick together and come out the outside of it as better people. Maybe itā€™s a test by god. Iā€™m perplexed by the whole thing being honest. I hope the family are well.

Go way you fucking weasel. Youā€™re after spending all day on here saying people are hoping other humans die.

Youā€™re a fucking low life


There are a few posters here who have genuinely tried to turn the virus into an anti-Chinese racist campaign, as a defence mechanism against having got everything wrong their whole lives.

They are the exact posters you would have expected to do that.

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Iā€™m sorry to hear that. I know Only of one person whoā€™s in icu now. I donā€™t closely know him more know of him. He was a heavy smoker. I think heā€™s in his late sixties or early seventies. I hope your friend makes it out ok bod.

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cc @Bandage

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Yes there is posters mainly driven by politics who want to see people die to prove their bizarre agendas proven correct.

Some are more subtle than others.

No there fucking isnā€™t you stupid little boy.

Take a break lads


The same fellas try to blame it on the Cheltenham race goers too. These people are dangerous and wonā€™t stop until theyā€™ve found somebody to blame. Itā€™s nobodies fault. Itā€™s just one of those things.

Hang on now, cunt face here is after saying Iā€™m hoping people die. That cant be let slide

The background pictures from cork are not good. Assume they are from another time. Poor management of PR by RTE

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Well you seem to link deaths to Cheltenham race goers this evening with little evidence. Given the Cheltenham spike would have been at latest last week itā€™s looks to me youā€™ve been desperately waiting to blame them. If Iā€™ve picked this up wrong Iā€™m sorry.

So help me jesus, if I canā€™t get my house special with fried noodles on Friday night, Iā€™ll shut this place down


Too late for apologies you stupid little cunt.

@horseymick, @anon60384913ā€™s latest username :joy:


That isnā€™t even remotely amusing.