Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Corona virus would be the least of your worries when trying to pass a Bord Bia inspection to sell milk or meet.

If the drastic step of closing nursing homes to visitors had been taken prior to Chelteham why did anyone think travelling there was a good idea?

I got a nice artificial Christmas tree on the line today at 70% off. Looks very real. Iā€™ll be all set

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Theres more work in the cunts than real ones

Privately owned. Up to each nursing home to close itā€™s self I believe.

More lies

Iā€™ll have nothing to do with putting it up. My job is done.

Watching De Gascun from earlier tonight on Primetime at the moment. These medical boyos are becoming as adept as politicians in talking around questions and playing for time.

You will putting the branches on is a pure cunt

Sort out the load errors please mate and turn off Prime Time. Cc @Rocko

Better hope the pubs will be open again, cos thatā€™s where Iā€™ll be going when the time comes

Could be worse, you could be in Laois.

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Arlene has suddenly realised the implications of a higher death toll in the north

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God I miss @Brimmer_Bradley. Hed be loving this.



The only lad this forum ever truly missed


A fella from work is stuck there at the moment, working remotely and heā€™s on the edge of a mental breakdown. Iā€™m not even joking.

This lockdown is an unbelievble test of peoples character.

I wonder are there any genius epidemiologists out there who go to pieces in front of a camera and are kept off air for that reason.

Perhaps some of them are posting here?

Hed be firing scuds left right and centre. Hed even shoot lads on his own side.

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I feel his pain. Anybody in his situation would react the same way.

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