Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I’d say @Joe_Player would have something to say about that


Sadly he won’t. Lord rest him

Epidemiology will go the way of alchemy after this. They’ve had a fucking nightmare

I won’t lie I really missed @tassotti while he was away.

It’s fairly recent, this past week I think.

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And he’s been the biggest anti-Cheltenham poster since he came back.

That must sting

Students with part time jobs who were earning less than 100 euro are now being paid 350 euro a week by the state for doing nothing.

When this eventually ends the Blueshirts will be looking to take Medical cards off Downs syndrome kids again to pay this money back. Regina Doherty is some gowl.


I respect his opinion.

Correct. I was on around 150 for some part time work recently and could take the 350 if I wanted. I decided not to as I felt others could need it more.

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You haven’t challenged him on it though have you?

No. good night este and sorry about earlier I should have taken @the_man_himself advice and re read posts and then proof read my own posts before jumping to conclusions. I hope the family is well and you are out the other side of this safely.




People who landed last week after living in Canada the last few years got 350 in their accounts this morning

Would you stop.

The part time work post?

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Have you an issue with people working part time?

Don’t know what you’re laughing at. It’s all your fucking fault

Read your last post to me, read it again, think about it, then fuck off

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She was the one reluctant to move it up I believe. They needed to be as efficient as possible and are hoping this won’t go on for long- you are talking about 100s of thousands of people. You’d have been going ape if a family were left in the hole because social welfare were sifting through applications.

The student types you mention often benefit from a USC refund at the year end as they don’t meet the threshold so that might be one way for the State to save.