Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Fauci is 79 years old and has served in six administrations. All he has done is tell the truth as best he can. Trump did try to sideline him but he had to bring Fauci back into the briefings rather than the other way round.


The square barcode jobby you see around the place and scan with your phone camera

Well ironically the guy they had on the C4 programme defending it, the guy who got into the barney with the scientific modeller from the US, was from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

I’ve no doubt all these decisions were purely political however. Johnson and Cummings were labouring under the delusion they could “save the economy” despite letting a hell of a lot of people die. Then they realised they couldn’t.


The decisions were political but the recommendation came from the epidemiologists. If they didnt have the recommendation they could have chosen a different strategy, you’re right, they should have been told fuck off and come back with a different approach first day.

What’s the reason they need to do that

Make contact tracing easier if they start coughing again?

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He’s a serious public servant who does what he has to do to protect the public. He knows he’s working under a moron. He’s already seen the the impact of Trump’s moronic tendencies on the CDC. He tells the truth as best he can but he is clearly simultaneously playing a game of placation with the moron in order to not get himself sacked. He will not criticise Trump personally when in reality would love to let rip. He knows full well that right-wing media circles would only love him sacked and Trump would have no compunction in doing so if he got jealous enough.

I’ll burn it in a field after Christmas

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Vile stuff

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More imagination on your part, but sure carry on

Nobody has to imagine anything. It’s basic body language and it’s right there in front of you if choose to look. The guy is regularly visibly and obviously exasperated as Trump talks - and he’s one of a long line of public servants who have had a similar experience.

There was I thinking Tony was ringing you up to share this incredible level of insight, but clearly you can tell precisely what he thinks from watching the telly.

The Cheltenham crowd are murdering Quislings. They knew that the festival would spread the virus but they didn’t care. There was a poster on here joking that he couldn’t believe Cheltenham was going ahead but he still went to it, what a great laugh. It doesnt matter if the people they made sick are in nursing homes or just the regular people the street, the Cheltenham Quislings murdered them anyway.


Why can’t people (not just picking on you) get the basic facts of what happened in the UK right? The London Imperial College did not recommend herd immunity. They were commissioned in early March to develop models and these models were made public on March 17th.

Before then Vallance had considered the options, with the information available to him at the time, and recommended to Johnson they go for herd immunity, while trying to protect the vulnerable. His argument was if we suppressed the virus early it would come back with a vengeance in a second wave and far more would die. It’s in essence what Sweden are still doing.

When the Imperial College model came in, it sobered them up. The Imperial College model is the reason they abandoned the herd immunity approach after less than a week of announcing it.


It wasnt even that scientific, it was Dominic Cummings decided on herd immunity very early on.

You clearly think he agrees with Trump when Trump says it’s a hoax and that the virus will go away like a miracle.

Now that’s “insight”, yeah.

The imperial college locked down the Brits and deserve huge credit for it.

Arguably have saved 100’s of lives - even if they did vastly over rate the numbers.

Were they not working on reports from the imperial college early on too? They backtracked on their initial report and changed the strategy, hopefully not too late