Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Eamon Ryan is having a mental breakdown you bollocks

Itā€™s a tough time for those of us who like to use salad bars in supermarkets the odd time.

Itā€™s not a good idea to self-congratulate in this situation.

Scaremongering prick.


This is nonsense surely? The key is when was the first test and how many tests were done.

This obsession with comparing days on a timeline is absolutely bizarre


Itā€™s nonsense, itā€™s all just PROJECT FEAR!

He tweeted two more a few minutes afterwards backtracking somewhat ā€¦

If trump did this youā€™d be up in arms. You are deliberately misleading people. You donā€™t seem to grasp how serious this for some of your fellow posters who may be looking for some reassurance

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Itā€™s 590000 give or take, and they were talking 250000 deaths total.
My mate, (mentioned previously) just had an alarming visit from HMG about warehouse space, but Iā€™ll say no more here.


Lads like Sid and Laz canā€™t wait for millions to die so they can blame Trump for not stopping this in January. Even though they themselves were saying it was only the flu in February.


Less than 0.9% chance of requiring hospital treatment if you are young and fit and catch it.

Refrigerated space?

Along those lines.

There is no reassurance. Nobody knows exactly what the future will bring. The point is that people need to be aware of what could happen and thus change their behaviour so they contribute towards a disaster not happening.

Eejits like you and a few others here are happy to throw out the ā€œah, shure itā€™ll be grandā€ line.

Thatā€™s the fucking problem in this situation, complacent eeejits.

At the end of all this, if those predicting that an Italy type situation could happen here are wrong, theyā€™ll have still been right, because fear is our friend in this situation. Itā€™s more warnings we need, not more Nero style fiddlers peddling complacency, and not people butchering the English language calling people ā€œscaremongerersā€.

People are warning the public precisely because they want to avoid an Italy type situation.

Rhetoric from complacency mongers like we have here makes an Italy type situation more likely.

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Unfortunately azithromycin isnā€™t an antiviral, just a very good antibacterial. Itā€™ll help prevent a superimposed bacterial pneumonia. The hydroxy may suppress the damaging part of the immune response a little, but trump is an idiot.

Depends whether youā€™re one of them or not.


Iā€™m going for between 796 and 830 total cases