Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Anyone see Ian Poulter’s Instagram page? He’s a big petrol head/formula 1 fan which immediately puts him in the wanker camp. He’s passing the time in his rather large house playing very fancy F1 simulation games…

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Trump really coming of age here. Best speech of his tenure so far.

I suppose it’s either F1 or playing the stock market. Whatever those golf types usually like to do…

Any celebs been called “heroes” yet for doing fuckall?

We have a quinine thread if you’re interested. There’s at least one hospital in NY using it with another antiviral to try and lessen the severity of the illness. It’s an ethical dilemma as it isn’t approved for COVID-19 but it’s been around for a century and pretty safe at recommended dosage.

They’re not doing it because of anything Trump said. They’re doing it to see if it can lessen the numbers heading for ICU. There’s some research out there from China and France and China has been doing trials.

Odds on Oprah or Ellen to fill that Niche quite soon.

Plenty of Pro Sports players adapting their skills with Toilet Roll .

800 deaths in Italy.

793 gone in Italy. Still rising.

If we listened to the greens we would have went into social isolation 5 days earlier

I thought it might take a bit longer to see “The Surge” given the arrival of mass testing kits on Thursday then follow on the time to distribute, test and confirm results.

Regardless I suppose its inevitable whether it be today, tomorrow or Monday.

Pray for Italy lads


Eamon Ryan is breaking down because he’s the only leader who realises how bad this is.

Holy Shit nearly 800 deceased in 24hrs :worried:

I cannot understand how their mortality rate is so high. It must be up around 10%. Heartbreaking what is going on there.

Break down of their health service

A doctor in the UK passed away today from Covid.

Somehow a large number of older people got infected and this disease is obviously pretty lethal at an advanced age. Their facilities are also overwhelmed obviously but it’s unclear how many of that demographic that are infected can be saved.

I think this thing is a lot more serious fatality wise that we are being led to believe.