Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

ICU is climbing at a steady rate.

That’s the only figure to watch really.

Until the ICU admission rates level off then we need to be on full alert. The most of the people ending up in ICU right now are people infected 2 or 3 weeks ago.

We really need to see this stabilising in the next week or so.

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What’s our capacity regarding ICU beds?

Good April Fools here from Duzza. He retired from darts last year.

Despite what the likes of @Watchyourtoes and @TheUlteriorMotive are trying to argue, the testing system here has been all over the place and we are running on data up to 10 days behind. It’s shameful these lads are bigging up the testing system in place here.


around 260 I think

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Fuck, at the current rate, it’ll be full by the weekend

Do you think better data would save lives?

As @TreatyStones said above… The next week is make or break

we’ve been over this you spanner… My point is there’s no stock to be taken in testing numbers . Few lads here are pushing the numbers like it means something or that we’re turning the tide. It’s a very dangerous message to be preaching as ICU numbers climb.

I’ve lost faith in the testing system in recent days.

On one hand tests don’t really matter, they are mainly just for statistics. It shouldn’t affect your treatment. I’m sure the doctors didn’t just leave those people in the nursing home and say we’ll be back to you when we have the results. They would still have received care.

Same with the people with mild symptoms. If they followed the advice, self isolated and then came out the other side then that’s job done. A positive or negative result won’t change that.

The flip side is the fact we have no idea on where we are really at in terms of numbers. There was a mention of 15% of cases in the past week being positive. That’s 15% of those that actually got results back. I think they are only processing something like 1,5000 tests results a day. Which ties in with our rate of between 200 - 300 cases per day.

There is talk of 5,000 tests per day being conducted, so if you want to extrapolate out that 15% figure you could be looking at a real case level of around 750 cases per day. (Granted you would have to allow that they are giving priority to the obvious, more higher risk groups at the moment).

The current results still allow us to see a trend, but just from a much smaller sample size. If you could process those 5,000 tests every day then we would have a great picture of where we are.


The only poster I see banging on about testing is yourself. But you’re right there is no real evidence of curve flattening in Ireland yet. Another week I would say.

Pardon me?

You said a few days ago we had it beaten going off testing results…youre a dangerous bastard.

Fuck all value in it. “Oh, you’re positive? Stay home so and self isolate like you were already doing”


I said a few days ago, what they should do is get a representative sample of the population of say, 5,000, like for an exit poll in an election, and test them all both diagnostically and serologically.

That way you have a good idea of how prevalent this thing has been/is in the population at large.


That’s not a bad idea.
I’m sure it’s something that could be done quickly with these soon to be launched home testing kits?

The soon to be launched home testing kits have been “soon to be launched” for quite some time now.