Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Every day there’s a new soon to be launched test.

I miss the old soon to be launched tests.

We’ve nearly 400 icu beds now.

I imagine this narrative will feature heavily in the low budget Sky One television programme I :heart: 2020, in which D list celebrities with fake smiles on their faces reminisce fondly about the good old days.

You don’t get soon to be launched COVID-19 home testing kits like you used to. They don’t make 'em like that anymore.

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Are you on about the North Koreans launching missiles?

First you get the solidarity, then you get the grumbling, then you get the anger, then you get the…

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Pray for the Chinese people around the world.

Spanish health officials say a total of 9,053 people have died with COVID-19 which is an increase of 864 since yesterday with a total of 102,136 reported cases which is an increase of 7,719

I wonder what’s a realistic number for how many people actually have it in Spain. Not to mind asymptomatic, had it and never knew etc. A million?

I think it is down to 1,500 a day now. It was 15k total a week ago so likely some spiking. de Gascun said he hoped they could do 3k a day at UCD from this week so not sure if testing kits are the issue.

Would be interesting to know how many swabs have been taken.

Is There any point to the testing any more given Everyone is in self isolation?

They are testing like mad, but not resulting like mad.

There’s a shortage of the required chemicals or whatever to process the results apparently. The numbers they are processing has actually fallen, but the capacity is increasing (if they get what they need)

For however much faith you have in them, Imperial reckon it could be 15% and even up to 41%!

They reckon Spain is worse than Italy. :hushed:

If they were at 40% they are only a week away from being near herd immunity levels

Have you had a fever, a persistent cough and difficulty breathing?

That’s the thing.

If we suppose they’re right for a second, whilst Germany looks impressive now they could be in for a huge second wave with so few of the population having it.

He who is last will be first.

Still treatments etc should get better as time goes on

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RTE just announced that Covid 19 has been cured and the lockdown will be over tomorrow.

Still well below 50 percent capacity. Surely two and half weeks into lockdown now we’ll start to see results?