Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Assume it is for those who were in ICU but are recovering from the virus and no longer need round the clock supervision/ventilators etc, a place where they can recuperate while still infectious but nor needing an ICU bed

I’m at work will you gimme the jist of it

The first covid payment to those laid off yesterday. @Juhniallio did you get sorted?

Anyone on the forum qualify but not avail of it?

I didn’t.

Anyone on the forum take it but shouldn’t have qualified?

That’s an April fools joke surely

Oh great, April fool

Did you see who sent it out?

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Dr Tony is in hospital (Not Covid19)

Exhaustion I’m led to believe

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Interesting that the clusters from pubs and workplaces are relatively low, though the former would be harder to assess.

No not yet. Was onto the accountant today.

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Having test done.

The sign off :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sent it to a teacher for the craic

None related to schools? I thought half the schools in the country brought it back from skiing in Italy?

The bit about teachers having to go into school and do a days work was the giveaway.


The worrying thing about the ICU level is even before it’s overwhelmed the fatality rate seems to be north of 50%