Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

If that’s the case are there not just 53 people currently in ICUs? Given that 124-71 = 53.

@TreatyStones knew

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Two metres, or not two metres, that is the question.

The ICU total is actual as opposed to cumulative I believe. Also, I wouldn’t assume every death in Ireland to date has passed through ICU - I suspect a lot of nursing home cases don’t go to ICU.

The 50% figure was from other stats I posted up recently.

What I mean is: Are the 124 people “who had been admitted to ICUs as of 3pm yesterday” all alive or do they include the dead?

Are they all there currently or have any of them left ICUs alive?

I would have presumed that the figure would refer to people currently in ICUs but the phrasing of the Gavan Reilly tweet above isn’t very clear.

How is the contagion level calculated there?

Also, if you have it but aren’t showing any symptoms (ie not coughing and spluttering around the place) then the chances are you are unlikely to pass it on if you are following guidelines on social distancing and washing your hands frequently etc?

It depends on how many people you meet on a daily basis I suppose. Just because you aren’t coughing, it doesn’t mean it’s not in your exhaled breath. It is. It’s one of the reasons they are advising keeping surfaces clear and clean.

Horsey Mick and the Cheltenham quislings

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It’s all guesswork now anyway chaps.

Science is struggling with the answers so I’m putting all my faith in the big man above.


We all have one god and in our final day we’ll be judged on what we did for our fellow citizens.


It’s where Leo Varadkar will be going in a couple of months’ time.




From the Guardian. Don’t think it’s an April Fool either


British American Tobacco , the maker of brands including Lucky Strike, Dunhill, Rothmans and Benson & Hedges, has said it has a potential coronavirus vaccine in development using tobacco plants.

BAT has turned the vast resources usually focused on creating products that pose health risks to millions of smokers worldwide to battling the global pandemic. The company said:

If testing goes well, BAT is hopeful that, with the right partners and support from government agencies, between 1m and 3m doses of the vaccine could be manufactured per week, beginning in June.”

The London-listed company used the announcement to trump the positive aspects of its tobacco empire, saying that “new, fast-growing tobacco plant technology” put it ahead of others trying to develop a vaccine.

563 dead in the UK today, fuck

4324 new cases and 563 new deaths in the United Kingdom: including 2 teenagers, a 13-year-old boy, and a 19-year-old man

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Good grief.

Too much to expect Bojo to die of it.