Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Just in hospitals. Not including at home or nursing homes or other facilities. Holy fuck. RIP.
They are running at just under 20% positive tests too, from just over 150,000 which would suggest they have massive numbers untested with the virus.


C19 has now joined C4, C5, C64 and C86 in the lexicon of British popular culture.

they’ve reached the uptick in exponential growth in deaths… their measures didn’t work, too late … fucking hell

The chickens have come home to roost.

They’ll be roosting for the next month at an absolute minimum.

Arlene the cunt could have landed that on us…

They would have been much better off with Boris Yeltsin leading them than Boris Johnson.

Even though Yeltsin is dead, didn’t speak English and was permanently drunk for the last 15 years of his life.

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Can the mods ( cc @Horsebox & @padjo ) sort out the fucking Thread Title? Fucks sakes like…


Well we have 30k tests completed and diagnosed I believe so at our populated levels they’d need other 400k to be just caught up with us and we aren’t leading the pack on testing anymore.

Apples and oranges. Our testing is now worthless.
But we were trying to test in the community. They were only ever testing in hospitals(and famous folk obviously) i think? So 1 in 5 is not a massive number to actually have it. But if everyone who is untested with symptoms was tested it would be massive numbers surely.

I see the post you laughed at and said wasnt real made it into the press … some going for a fake story.


Yeah I agree, just putting it into context. The Imperial College model above reckoned 1.2% to 5.4% of the UK population had it and that was based on deaths up to a couple of days ago.

Potentially looking at a 5/6 day period now where the daily UK death rate will be around the 4/5/600 mark.

Do we see our rates hitting 40 or 50 a day for a period?

We are in lockdown long before them. So If we do it’s been pointless or something is going wrong.

Much like the F1 shower, its amazing what could possibly be achieved by great minds if they were properly focused/motivated/reimbursed.

I read something yesterday which suggested you can add 20% to the UK death figure because of that died in hospital only thing.

I think that was amended at the weekend and will be amended on weekly basis going forward.

Any death cert from a non hospital death which included covid19 as a potential cause of death will be added to the total weekly.

Doesn’t everyone in the UK have to get an autopsy regardless or something

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are numbers aren’t much better than the Uk