Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Have the horsey crowd even offered an apology yet?



Wimbledon cancelled.

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Finally, a bit of good news.

Brilliant news.


No, they said they took the best medical advice before deciding to go ahead


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Ah fuck. This could end @Tassotti

The wee manā€™s reaction here


Iā€™m not surprised, the poor chap was undoubtedly looking forward to getting to school and away from those two braying idiots


Still - he was taught a great life lesson there ā€¦ dont get mad, get even.

The total cases, hospitalized, icu and deaths as reported by the HSE (thereā€™s a two day lag)

The number being hospitalized is worryingly high, but the number needing ICU has so far been reassuring.

Thereā€™s hope


any idea what percentage of people that go to hospital end up in icu ?

Well considering the number of cases itā€™s at least 4 times that and the ICU number is a real number, I would say it is relatively encouraging alright. Early doors. Next week is key.

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as of the last day I have numbers for there were 703 required hospitalization and 113 in ICU

hospitalized is a real number too and Iā€™d imagine the hospitalized and ICU will trend toward each other, unfortunately. So far, itā€™s looking good.

Why is next week key? We are three weeks into lockdown on Saturday. Weā€™d surely want to see the numbers peak tomorrow or Friday?

As of the 29th of March around 4% of all cases required ICU
Around 16% of all hospitalized cases required ICU

Because now we are starting to see the rise in cases in ICU, if these numbers are leveled off by next week there is a good chance we are on top of things.


124 in ICU as of yesterday