Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Iā€™ll take the official release from the HSE to keep the data source consistent

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25% of all confirmed cases have gone into hospitalā€¦

How does that number compare to other placesā€¦ seems inordinately high given that the majority of cases are supposed to be mild or asymptomatic

Is hospitalised not impacted due to many being admitted at the start to try and isolate them?

Quite possibly due to our criteria for testing

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the date they started releasing hospitalized numbers it started at 84 - that was on the 16th - to get to 703 on the 29th is a big jumpā€¦ I think the initial number was being underestimated for that reason you just mentionedā€¦

when did we stop testing every fucker?

They changed the criteria there a while ago. I donā€™t know the ins and outs but itā€™s something like only if you have specific symptoms like fever and a dry cough that you will get tested

I donā€™t think weā€™ll see that in the numbers yet because of the testing lag.


Auld wan rang work and told them she wouldnā€™t be in until after it was over. Sheā€™s over 70 but was working 3 days a week. Is she entitled to any of the newly announced welfare provisions?

She should be yeah

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I assume sheā€™s already drawing the state pension? Iā€™m not sure how it would work in that circumstance.

@Julio_Geordio - the ICU daily percentage growth - spikes seem to have tailed off (the percantage is multiplied by 1000 for visualization). 40% growth in last data point.

God save us all.

Are we going to hit 1M cases worldwide today @Julio_Geordio?
Your modelling career is on the line.

Earlier briefing underway now on RTE News Now.

212 new cases and 14 more deaths unfortunately.

We are at 900k plus anyway.

They like to keep us guessing with their timing

Median age of those lost souls?

Will we ever find out the real numbers I wonder

US intelligence believe China has underreported the total number of cases and deaths from Covid-19 in its country, according to US officials.

The conclusions of a classified report from the intelligence to the community to the White House were revealed to Bloombergby three anonymous officials who declined to detail its contents.

They said that the thrust was that Chinaā€™s concealment was deliberate and that the report was received by the White House last week.

Although the outbreak began in the countryā€™s Hubei province in late 2019, the country has publicly reported 82,361 cases of the virus and 3,300 deaths.

In comparison, the US, which has reported the largest number of cases globally, has recorded 190,088 confirmed cases and more than 4,000 deaths.

Both Italy and Spain have also overtaken China in terms of publicly reported cases of and deaths from Covid-19.