Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

"There are three men on a train. One of them is an economist and one of them is a logician and one of them is a mathematician.

And they have just crossed the border into Scotland (I don’t know why they are going to Scotland) and they see a brown cow standing in a field from the window of the train (and the cow is standing parallel to the train).

And the economist says, ‘Look, the cows in Scotland are brown.’ And the logician says, ‘No. There are cows in Scotland of which at least one is brown.’ And the mathematician says, ‘No. There is at least one cow in Scotland, of which one side appears to be brown.’

@anon7035031 - there are cows in Scotland and an accountant told me they’re all dead

Now THAT’s facetious


:astonished: sick fucks

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This pretty stark from the New York Governor re ventilators

I cant believe he hasn’t heard about the wonder cure our house “expert” here is touting.

The great majority of younger people going into hospitals are getting better and being released. If you go on a ventilator you are generally at the fucked stage.

This crisis has thoroughly exposed right-wing ideology as the intellectually bankrupt sham it always has been.

And it just keeps on coming.

Sweden 239 deaths, Conservative government. BAD!
Spain 9,053 deaths, Socialist government. GOOD!

Crazies be crazy.


Quoted without comment.

I thought the lads on here espoused the Nordic way of life

What recent poster is on record as saying the Italian government was handling it better than any other western government. An absolute spoofer.

Apparently that was then, this is now, or something, something.

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The conspiracy theorists are seething. And now they’re sending out the PMs to rally round for moral support.

Support through collective lunacy.

Makes a complete mockery of their espousal of so called “rugged individualism”, mind.

Sure that’s a different story altogether. Sadly a chunk of them will have passed on since

Is there anyway of getting the number in icu right now? Both virus and non virus related. You’d assume there’s regular ICU capacity + virus related. I’d say we’re tight

The ICU figures are fairly ridiculous if they’re still including dead people and people who have recovered (if there are any). It surely can’t be that hard to get an accurate figure? Or are they trying to keep people scared by keeping it fairly high?

That’s your turf brah, he may step off

Fuck knows kid, but surely a fair percentage of the deaths would have been in icu

What’s the regular numbers in ICU before this virus. Let’s say we were at 50% capacity anyway and theres now 70 or 80 icu. That’s not a lot left