Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

You come from one of the most murderous, warmongering regimes in history mate.

We want oil, you have oil, drop the cluster bombs and say they had WMD’s.

Also, I’ve been mostly calling out the dangerous they’re filthy bat eating bastard, disgustingly racist posts, as opposed to defending the CCP…

That and refusing to buy into some frankly tin hat style conspiracies.

Show me a factual reasoning for why they’re lying and we can go from there


Going to Cheltenham is fairly unforgivable and selfish, in itself. But going on the lash when you returned to Ireland after it? I have no words. These people have blood on their hands.

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You beat me to it you cunt :joy:

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I didnt accuse anyone of racial prejudice, I said I wasnt making an illogical jump because of it or political

I’m taking the data at face value

World war?

Didn’t bother me mate, football was more important.

Had to be done!

Agreed seems ok. I doubt many of the NH contingent make it to hospital. Many would have DNR

In fairness, whether you believe there is deliberate suppression or not, there was a long period there before tests were even invented. What did they end up testing?

The evidence is the virus was circulating in Europe undetected from mid January, as you would expect considering there were no travel restrictions from affected areas. The first cases were not detected until early February, but nobody was doing any serious testing until early March. Anyone who traveled, attended a match, went to the pub, visited family, etc. during that time frame is as guilty as anyone else in hindsight.

When all this is over, the horsey set will be looking for Govt grants and handouts for the horsey industry

I’d say Leo will tell them to sing for it


I’m from Galway.

That’s very possible. They probably have a lot of deaths that retrospectively should be attributed to covid19

We have a long record of warmongering.

To be fair it was easy for your Grandfather to say that in Dunkirk in 1988


Not at all mate… I have his medals of service somewhere.

They went to the Caucasus to secure oil supply in World War II but they haven’t made that same mistake this time and have the market on reagents cornered.

Which one? @peddlerscross??

It’s not just possible, it’s a fact Esteban. I don’t believe they even had a test for it until mid January and it traces back to November.

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You said Cheltenham would only be cancelled if things were bad and you placed money on it going ahead. Stop with the revisionism.