Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I never said that.

I was of the belief that the horsey set would secretly have government lobbyists pushing their own agenda ahead of the safety of the public. Murderer.

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You were proved correct. I just hope Charlie Austin pulls through now.

No you’d a friend on the inside is what you claimed. Multiple times. The only reason I went was you told me it would be cancelled if things were bad. You boasted for the days before the festival about betting on it to go ahead and then boasted about your bet on the arkle winner. Anybody that watched Cheltenham or bet on is just as guilty. Anybody that couldn’t wash their hands properly is just as guilty. The fellas that want to blame Cheltenham race goers are probably the serial offenders for not washing their hands breaking isolation protocols.

Champ Martin will be in the hot seat by then.


If this fella told me the sky was blue I’d look up and check

It isn’t a fact unless it can be retrospectively proven. It’s very, very likely. It would be hard extrapolate a number. A cross section of respiratory related deaths. The numbers since testing are consistent

:smile: Throw up a quote there like a good lad.

Did I also tell you to attempt to go on the lash when you returned from your jolly? Did I tell you to increase the probability of infecting your immunocompromised father?

No. But you ploughed ahead regardless, because you’re only looking out for yourself in this world.

I told him it was safe to go :rofl:

The genetic studies say first case was in November in Wuhan. The diagnostic test couldn’t be developed until the virus genome was published, this was done by Chinese scientists on January 10th. The first test was developed and described by a German lab on January 20th. Nobody was doing diagnostic testing before this date, they were going on temperature and symptoms.


My father is in another country. I haven’t seen him in weeks.

I haven’t been outside the front gate since Cheltenham.

I actually think most were careful when they got back as the atmosphere definitely changed as the week went on and people became more frightened.


So you refuse to believe the chinese numbers since they started testing? Based on what exactly? They seem consistent enough based on the extremes they went into lockdown

See this is problem with piggy bagging you’ve been badly found. You were boasting about Cheltenham going ahead and gambling on it so you can’t turn around and say it’s a disgrace it was on. You mightn’t like me as a poster but your argument is made completely null and void by your actions during Cheltenham. You picked the wrong stick to try and beat me with and have only myboyblue left backing you up.


Dail bar obviously still open

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I was of the belief that the horsey set would secretly have government lobbyists pushing their own agenda ahead of the safety of the public.

And I was correct.

Your continued campaign of disinformation and groundless accusations against multiple posters will always leave a crosshair on your head.