Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

2 weeks ago

These lads won’t left facts get in the way as they play the blame game.

He is lucky Paddy

When you start using a few facts…

You can be asymptomatic for up to 2 weeks pal

Western governments have no excuse, they had ample warning this was coming, had made theoretical plans to deal with it, but when the time came they failed.

I honestly believe that they believed the information coming from China and the WHO, and up to the first week of February there were so few cases they probably thought it was like SARS-1 which was fairly easily contained. A whole month to six weeks was wasted when that was the time for strict lock downs, it took the escalating tragedy in Italy to wake everyone up.

We are where we are now, and have to deal with it as best we can.

Ye had a post up on Tuesday stating a good source had confirmed Wimbledon was going ahead.

Where ? I said It looked like Wimbledon was still going ahead or something like that. I don’t recall ever saying I’d a source about it going ahead. It’s just another thing you’ve made up Perez.

We have a thread for Bookmarking posts which could have come in real handy here.


Any news on a vaccine yet?

The guilt was dripping off Coveney when questioned about it during Cheltenham. They introduced the measures straight after those selfish cunts got back.

The pubs didn’t close till the Sunday night. More revisionism.

Some positive results with antibodies and using serum to help people.

An approved vaccine unless sped through regulatory processes is a while off I’d say

They closed the schools and brought in the social gathering limit.

Selfish cunts and greedy publicans decided to crowd the pubs.

Another treacherous act

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Agreed pubs were packed Sunday evening after it was announced they’d be closing.

Apologies if this has been asked before, but there are thousands of posts on this thread and I’m not reading back through them. If there have been 98 deaths in the country to date and just 14 of those deaths have been of people who were in intensive care, where did the other 84 people die? I’d have thought that if a person was extremely sick with the illness they’d have been brought to hospital, and if their lives were at risk in hospital they would be brought into intensive care. Anybody able to answer this?

Nursing Homes.

Social gatherings were restricted on the Friday. Could the horsey boys go straight home? Nah, the diseased cunts went straight to the pub putting more people at risk.