Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


Issue with treatment is finding a safe one that passes regulatory requirements. Typically it takes 12 years to get a drug to market costing approx $100 billion. We would be lucky to have something by September


Those figures are putting the jitters into me … Is that what’s ahead of us?

Do people genuinely think it would be possible to hide the fact that 6 million people died from the rest of the World?


I would saying something similar, in relative terms.

A new study reveals more than 80% of people infected with #CCPvirus in #Wuhan before Jan. 23, were not recorded, which is one of the main reasons the epidemic spread so rapidly and is so difficult to control. #CoronavirusPandemic

Pence just said the UK and Ireland have suspended all travel from China since January. He must have a very inflated sense of the powers of the UK and Ireland.

Leo Varadkar shutting down the Chinese borders would be something to behold.

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If you’re a right winger, you would just say it anyway whether you believe it or not.

Well the Chinese don’t have to worry about that. They will fire it into people if they think it might work. A new treatment takes many years, but an existing drug or drugs could be used in this environment. Especially if they have been tested extensively for other diseases and are reasonably safe.


Years from patent of formula, majority of time is clinical trials and submission to various regulatory bodies for use in there areas.

Latest figures released by China Mobile show that they have lost 8.116 million users in Jan and Feb. Where are these users now? Switched to other carriers? Or, they couldn’t carry their phone to the nether world?
Chinese report at:
#CCPVirus #COVID2019

In the short run it’s possible, in the long run not so likely.

In the 1930s the New York Times helped the Russians to conceal the millions of deaths in the Holomodor.

And of course there was that Holocaust thing.

Good post

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I’m sure they will but still would have to pass FDA and European medical licences before it is on market

What time are Irish figures due?

Anyone who believes only a little over 3k died in China over this is a fool.


There are medicines working that have already passed

I agree it would be difficult. If anyone could do it though it would be China. Why do you think they have kicked out western journalists? Do you understand the climate there and what happens if you open your mouth and complain?

Hopefully so and would speed up process. The malaria drugs and arthritis drugs that have positive news, if they can get more proof of the talks and treatment might help us