Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

This doctor in TV3 (I still call it that) Ruairi Brugha has won the Corona competition. Cathal Brugha and Terence mcswiney as his grandfathers

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A researcher was just on CNN and Iā€™ve read the same from a few sources (scientific) in the past day.

It explains why health care workers are so worried.

The French deaths are staggering.
1,355 today

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Bollocks if true.

I was also sent two pretty disturbing videos.

One of body bags piled into rooms, which is supposedly from a London hospital today.

The other is of a temporary 250 bay morgue which has been built in Sarsfield Barracks in Limerick.

Donā€™t worry. Itā€™s fizzling out.

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I think a lot of these death numbers for the viirus are askew with other illnesses.

Jesus Christ

Are you trying to drive the forum bananas here?

Add this image to the list

Calm yeā€™reselves down lads.

Seems there are moves afoot to arrange temporary morgues around the country. The local paper in Wexford led with a similar story and Breda and all the gang on Facebook went berserk and are boycotting it. Scaremongering apparently and especially frightening for old people who rely on the paper.

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There are millions dead everywhere. Thatā€™s why we have cemeteries.

There are billions dead in China, actually.

Lads 3 weeks today since the schools were closed.
Seems like 6 months ago. Itā€™s all been so surreal.

Iā€™d just like to say thanks to you all again in our odd little community. Even the arguments help keep the mind sharp.


Russia has 100% losing record in World Wars.

The USSR has a 100% winning record in World Wars though.

Think you have that the wrong way around, bud.

The numbers they are recording as critical are equally frightening, ditto Spain.

They include deaths in nursing homes over the last few weeks which wernt previously counted

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Australia is genuinely doing remarkably well in the context of numbers , is Sydney total shut down ?