Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The Brits have a figure like this in the offing too as they haven’t been counting people dying outside of hospitals.

For the most part, yes. Schools and creches are still open (to what extent parents are holding their kids at home is a separate matter). Generally, the proximity to China has meant that we had some form of pandemic strategy in place.

The compulsory quarantine of anyone flying into the country for 2 weeks and states closing their borders should continue to flatten the curve over the coming weeks. Were it not for the complete shambles of the Ruby Princess episode, we’d be in a lot stronger of a position.

Wouldn’t surprise me.

I heard something on the radio saying elderly people should cocoon, just stay indoors, however if they did go out into the garden they should come in and wash their hands???

Why the fuck would they need to wash their hands after being in their own garden??? I assumed then the virus could be airborne and sticks to stuff, that or they know fuck all about this.

Anyway if it is airborne and on shit, the person that is in the garden and picks up or touches would need to wash their hands.

If its airborne, then r nought as it is, is completely wrong and all the models aren’t worth a fuck and need to be re-done?

Good to bed lads. Ye won’t solve it tonight


Another thing, there is no fucking way this was around in November - February.

Every Tom, Dick and Harry saying they were awful sick over Christmas or the New Year. A heavy cold, Id say is all they had. I had one myself in February, wasnt great for a day or two but spent a week at home, more cos I was coughing like fuck when I went back into the office and you have to lead by example, to encourage people to work at home rather than infect the office, even with a cold.

I’ve had the flu once. Over 20 years ago living in London. I was off for a week, only young and fit, but it fucking floored me. Other than that I’ve only had a few colds…normally Columbian, but you wouldn’t take time off work for that.

Most cunts had a heavy cold over the last few months. They didn’t even have the flu.


Whats the tests like now?

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We won’t but it’s good to talk. How are you faring up?

I had a nasty haemhorroid at the end of January and I think it was COVID.

I think it was around the time I was banned from here, there were huge piles of shite straining to get out of me but with no outlet to escape.

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Jaysus it must have burst all over the twitter machine after a heap of Tuborg one evening !!!

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Everyone becomes Breda from Facebook during a pandemic

Hard to imagine Darling Harbour, Pitt st. , Botanical gardens all deserted during the day . Especially the buzz around lunchtime in those places.

Great it’s working, stay safe.

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But it could explain why the R0 is so high compared to the flu. Some of the recent studies are suggesting R0 of 3.0, that’s a hell of a difference from 1.3 when you do the compounding.

Any models for an r nought that high?


It’s been clarified since that they had to add in deaths from nursing homes that hadn’t previously been counted.

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you were banned from here?


Measles is airborne and R 15

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I think the WHO indicated early on it is between 1.4 to 2.5 which later became 2.0-2.5, but there are loads of studies mostly from China that range from 1.4 to 6.5. I don’t think anyone knows for sure, which again raises the question of how accurate any of the models are.

So a higher r nought might be good right? It could mean that the vast majority have been infected already and once the peaks are over, herd immunity kicks in? As in, this is as bad as it gets.

We need some bit of a break against this cunt