Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Ah no. We were never that close or anything like that, itā€™s not my tragedy. itā€™s just very shocking.

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Two of my Mamā€™s old teaching colleagues have lost immediate family members to COVID-19.

We dont have resources or man power to enforce a lockdown properly. The auld lad calls into his brother in law who is recovering from bowel cancer every 2nd or 3rd day to give him a hand and drives 40 miles each way and never sees a guard. I dont think people are losing the run of themselves yet but as time passes people will become more restless and want to venture out more.

Itā€™s not natural to be cooked up in a house or apartment 23 hours a day. Added to that it has now become a workplace with the added bonus of your own creche facility for those lucky enough to have work. Even the 2km limit is quite draconian. I think most could live with the above for a month two months max but its unsustainable long term. I think when they have ICU facilities scaled up sufficiently and isolation units like ones in Limerick built and the provisions in place for ramped up testing then we will see an ease in restrictions. They were brought in in 3 stages initially and they will probably be repealed in 3 as well with 1 month spacings in between. Probably beginning in June.

Fucking Cheltenham.

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Did you lose a fortune?

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Report every one of them.


Working in town myself in essentail servie and dont see this being the case. Roads very quiet with very little people out

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He could be winding me up alright Iā€™m going crazy I havenā€™t been out.

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Anyone on the road has a purpose to it. The idea that people are out & about going about normal life activities is waffle.

People are doing their bit bar the moaning cunts who have no respect for the lives of our vulnerable population. These same people have worked all their lives & deserve a small amount of respect.

But still youā€™ve lads mad to get away from their families, mad to get back to work and then those who just want pubs, bookies and their social comforts like live sports back.

Gas cunts.


Iā€™d happily take no organised sport for 12 months if it meant we could go to mass or to just get out to the sea or that sort of thing tomorrow. Allow people to see there families as well. @Halfpipe stories are difficult to read. Our mental health is so important.

People normally do their shop on a Friday or Saturday so roads are going to be busier

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123, 129, 127, 123, 143, 157, 144, 139, 123, 117, 141 & 138. They are the official figures for Covid19 deaths in Iran in the past 12 days. Anyone putting their faith in official death tolls from countryā€™s under crackpot regimes like China, Russia, Iran or UK would want their heads examined.

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They havenā€™t announced any plans

1 Like A plan to have a plan I guess would be better worded. If they were thinking it would be 12-18 months they wouldnā€™t be saying this imo

Thatā€™s a commitment as opposed to a plan. I canā€™t see how they can do it to be honest.

Itā€™s some load of Bolox If they can but canā€™t leave the doors of the churches open.

The issue isnā€™t so much that, as the churches may even be open by June. Itā€™s more the disparity of tuition, support and overall preparation between, students would make it extremely unfair and widen the gap between the haves and have nots.

There isnā€™t anything fair about this on anyone!

No, but the poor shouldnā€™t suffer the most in this scenario and they will if the LC goes ahead in itā€™s close to normal format. Predicted grades would be a far fairer solution in this instance.

Yere on the wind up boys.