Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Mickey joe horsey coming back from Cheltenham on the Saturday and going Into every pub in Ireland spreading disease. We must never forget that


Ah hello.

There should have been live on site facilities for all staff sorted by Nursing Home owners.
This was a tinder box ready to go up and by fuck this is a disaster.


Canā€™t wait till this is over and everyone is calling on the nurses and other frontline staff to take pay-cuts from the lads getting 350 a week to do nothing


No one will hear them, theyā€™ll all be gone back to Germany

Well Tony would say that considering he told the Hooray Henrys not to bother self isolating when they got back.


Very difficult with you have a family and children. Do they just give that up?

Awful situation but those perhaps without families could have been financially remunerated to think about the possibility.

As a couple of lads have stated, I couldnā€™t or wouldnā€™t leave a relative in one in the current climate.

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Before christmas we will hear it I bet. People have short memories


Sure at least they got the applause

They should be getting the Extra 350 euro a week during the crisis.


they had another another round of applause here on Thursday night for the NHS, only half the amount people joined in, all the hooray henrys looking for likes on social media didnā€™t give a fuck, it shows people for what they are

Are you waiting on people to commit suicide now to validate your point of view?

Old people die = okay
Middle age suicide = bad


Only a matter of time before the horses start having training ā€œaccidentsā€.


The wife is friendly with a woman working in portlaoise prison. As there are now little or no visits allowed, the drugs have dried up. She said thereā€™s lads on the verge of going buck ape altogether and itā€™s only a matter of time before lads start to flip out.


That would require them to spend money.

No Iā€™m saying thereā€™ll be a fine balance of when the benefits of Lessening lock down restrictions out weight staying in lock down. Many more lifeā€™s could be lost if we donā€™t make the right decisions at the right time but it was a nice try Harry to try and play the blame again which just high lights want a cunt you are. You seem to think peoples mental health is Irrelevant. I think itā€™s very important.

Yep, you would think people may start to look at alternatives but in reality most people deep down are happy to lock their relatives away.

Itā€™s my big fear of getting old, being left in a nursing home. Iā€™d rather pop my clogs in my own bed.

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You want the Country opened up again because you are bored you uucoam.