Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

the poor fuckers probably couldnā€™t afford the phone bills with the lockdown.

Iā€™m telling the missus if I go to keep paying my phone so everyone thinks Iā€™m alive. I might give her my password for here and keep the sexfaces tipping along

When this is over we need a strong American president to nuke them. They need to be wiped off the face of the planet for what they have done to humanity

Meant to ask. What are you basing your projected numbers for ireland on here?

you arenā€™t racially stereotyping mate, you are giving your eye witness account of their governments actions. Youā€™re a good bloke

Albert Reynolds did that when negotiating EU structural funds in 1993.

8 million thousand.

Thats a bit excessive. Theyre lovely people.

Again, anyone believing anything coming out of a staunch communist controlled state is either very gullible or very stupid.


equally anyone believing anything coming out of Western media with agendaā€™s against said Communist regime is equally stupid.

No doubt there is disinformation, but it exists on both sides.

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Big numberā€¦ Howyis men!!!

102 I was 80 off

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Not far off.

Excellent news

Itā€™s brilliant

We couldnā€™t give a fuck what they say. Likewise, the Italians, and Chinese donā€™t give a fuck about what we say on TFK.

Calm down pet.


Oireland Oireland Oireland

We have this bastard.

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Nobody is remotely suggesting that you dissembler of misinformation. There are 1.5 billion in China, try and remember that number. All 31 provinces had the virus before Chinese New Year and hundreds of millions traveled throughout China during Chinese New Year.

All we are saying is that itā€™s a bit suspicious that new cases just stopped abruptly, nobody died and everyone was cured. Look at the JH map by China province.

so itā€™s ok for you to be racist if the person you are being racist to doesnā€™t hear you?

good man

The Irish are making a show of this virus.


Is there a possibility we have this virus under control?

You can be racist in your own head as long as you donā€™t harm anyone. Same goes for a site with 30 people on it.