Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

324 Spain

Ireland is showing the free world how to handle this virus

Need to put the foot down now, total lockdown for 2 weeks drive it on don’t let up.


The virus is retreating out of Ireland like the brits out of Dunkirk.

Give Leo a new ten year term. Unreal stuff

Kenny Rodgers. Just heard it now. I’d say he died of it

The Kung Flu?

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Put the shoulder to the wheel now lads, every lad has to put his hand up here and drive it on.

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Nearly 800 in Italy. Jesus christ

There are some awful twerps out there. I was queuing to get into SuperValu this morning. Wanted to get there early so it’s about 9 o’clock and about 4 degrees. This article in a T-shirt, shorts and flip flops wanders up the car park barges past a load of people queuing to get into the chemist oblivious to them and walks into the chemist. I’d say the girls in the chemist have had enough of it this week and they fuck your man out of it and tell him to get back to the back of the queue. Half an hour later when I got out of the shop he was still standing shivering outside he chemist.


Give it two weeks.


Dr Tony is leading the Irish people to relative safety

President Holohan has a ring to it

Or even two more days, one day means nothing.


Don’t jinx this fucking thing on us.


Few fellas gonna be disappointed to see those numbers going down. Don’t worry lads, anything could happen yet. Chins up.


Lock the gates.


Paolo Dybala has it now.

We are testing much more widely than Italy was at the same stage so we are likely catching much more of our overall than they were.
It’s just a guessing game after that, but the low number of our totals in ICU versus the crazy number of theirs would suggest their is some truth to it.
It’ll be years before we get the real version of what happened I guess, no one has time to sit back and analyse it properly now