Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Are you for real???

We’re only testing those that are most sick, with two or more symptoms. Thousands will have one or no symptoms… Testing doesn’t really tell us much about rate on infection. Most young people won’t even know they have it, which is the worry all along.

Even if you are going by the numbers, it might be another 10 days before we see a reduction in that due to the delayed rate of testing and giving results. We’re about 10 days behind.

What precisely are you basing this on? Or does screaming random numbers makes you feel better

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I think your missing a point here. Thousands with some symptoms were tested. Vast majority were negative. That’s good. Then they were comfortable to move testing to those with multiple symptoms.

Testing process is far from perfect but nowt wrong with that approach

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we’ve been hearing for a week now thst 50% testing positive are community infections. So on confirmed numbers we’ve about 1-200 from community…and with us being over a week behind in results the number of confirmed from community could be up to 4k roughly… If we’ve 4k confirmed it’s nearly safe to assume you’ve as many or more likely a lot more in the community showing little to no symptoms.

Thousands with some symptoms were put on the list to be tested but then taken off with the backlog… I’m not giving out about the process, I just don’t think it’s the best indicator of where we are at and wouldn’t be putting all your eggs in that basket.

We appear to be doing OK tho compared to others.

12,418 people have died in Spain after testing positive for covid-19 which is an increase of 674 deaths since yesterday and 130,759 cases of the virus have been recorded in the country which is an increase of 6,023 since yesterday

You bounce from one extreme to the other quite a bit.
I do think people have eased the handbrake on self-restricting from what I’ve seen the last few days, more cars out and about every day. Hopefully it’s a weekend thing and we can get back on the right track, but that message maybe needs emphasising over and over again. There’s a whole range of different fires to be put out it seems.

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The OK comment is in relation to ICU and deaths… It ain’t great but it ain’t the numbers some are seeing.

Yeah, yesterday everyone was out. It was mainly walking but it was like the whole park was out. At least a bit of rain will knock that on its head.

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The numbers being reported as critical in both France and Spain are particularly horrendous. Spain unfortunately looks like it will overtake Italy in all the negative stats, although they have a smaller overall population the spread has been nationwide.
Would really fear for France given their critical cases reported, that might be an obvious result of a prevalent lifestyle choice, I think it might even be obligatory to smoke in France but is also dependent on the parameters they use to define critical.

HSE briefing is now on RTE News Now.

Briefing on RTÉ News Now now.

Beaten to the punch. :rage:

The restrictions will not last because society will reject them in the long term

This has already been dismissed as a stereotype. More Germans smoke than French.

Don’t think there’s anything new to this, despite some media outlets speculating that a range of new/further measures would be announced.

The intro suggests they’re going to give a general update and talk about PPE to start.

I fin that very hard to believe

Bullet points?

Paul Reid, CEO HSE, “tankin’ de public.”

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These briefings are only for general updates.

No Tony, no party.

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That’s interesting, I had as you say only anecdotal stereotyping in mind.