Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Testing to rise to 4,500 per day from this week.

Up from c.2-2.5k.

The Germans smoke more, drink more and have no BCG vaccinations. And are smashing this thing.

Are we to take it that people presenting with a fever and Wan other symptom are on the rise?

I saw Uncle Tom English’s brother, the new Sindo editor, tweeting their front page from today. It was going on about a new package of measures being announced, but must have been made up. Unless they were speculating that these measures would be announced at a later date.

The Government have found a new PPE supplier.


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This is cat.

The indo headline was for an extra month of lockdown yesterday. Nothing in the following articles said this. Cunts.

You’d have to assume so otherwise its disproportionate given the % of confirmed cases thus far from the test cases.

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PPE specification breakdown to date:

65% - as required;
15% - not ideal, but can be used;
20% - total shite.

Was that a nuanced dig at Paddy Cosgrave?

Thanked private individuals for donations of PPE but it’s been found that a lot of it is unusable.

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The Irish people cannot be condemned to another 2 months of paralysis and anxiety. The only thing to fear is fear itself as Eamon Dunphy once said

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Very much an operational update alright. Going through nursing home supports, bed capacity and ICU capacity now.

Getting back to my jigsaws (cc @Tassotti)


Was working on that Owl one earlier mate :+1:

The orange piece under the owls right foot will probably fit the train back wheel, try it out and let me know :+1:


Only for Denis Brosnan of Kerry Group we might not have got any of this PPE. I think there was a lot of infant mortality in China due to toxic baby formula. They outsourced a lot of this to Ireland and Denis Brosnan and kerry group benefitted. He built up a friendship with president Xi ever since they visited some farm in Clare together. Moral of the story it pays to network. Denis Brosnans name hasn’t been mentioned at all I think but he has probably been one of the most important cogs in the wheel so far.


One of the unsung heroes of Ireland

Fair play. My sense is that there is a lot of this going on with businesses, clubs etcand individuals getting stuck in and doing what they can at a local and national level - most of which is under the radar. It’s one of the best things about Ireland’s response imho. That was one of the things that annoyed me a lot about Paddy C’s twitter and sponsored post about helping. Do it or don’t do it - but why do you feel the need to shout it from the rooftops


When will we hear from simon harris again . I love when he starts off with ye are doing a great job bullshit . He couldn’t fly over to China and see a few pairs of gloves before spending 100m on them . What a fucking waster

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Bloody hell.

I thought one of the good things about this crisis is that it has been a complete leveller in terms of rich and poor, away from networking nonsense.

Yet now we have a case of applauding someone as a hero for looking to make money in the first instance.


Denis Brosnan is an incredibly decent man, a first cousin to my mother in law as it happens but that’s neither here nor there, a happy accident possibly with this Chinese thing but I don’t believe he’s sought out any praise for it, why the cynicism?


Grossly unfair statement & incorrect.