Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Getting the gear from China is all about network and contacts whether you like it or not.

There are American agents on the ground at all the hubs commandeering shipments of PPE destined for other countries, either via bribes or offering a multiple of the normal sales price. If we donā€™t have a solid network of high level contacts in place we simply wonā€™t get the gear.


Some wank questions coming in.

Ok chaps the spelling and grammar is going to pot in this crisis.

Iā€™m not going to name names here but yesterday we had
Iā€™m In client. Presumably Iā€™m inclined.

Rest bite. Presumably Respite.

Today weā€™ve had

Those far. Presumably Thus far.

Can we buck things up a bit please.


China started manufacturing their own baby food a few years back, but as you say there were a number of scandals linked to the products made there. As a result the big producers rolled back their plans to put factories in China. A lot of baby food going into China is now made in Askeaton. Chinese mothers put a lot more trust in imported baby food than domestically produced stuff. It retails at crazy prices over there.


Those bat eating cunts have mugged us off ā€¦ Did we keep the receipts?

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No receipts.

Cash only.

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And Wexford. A hape of it is made in Wexford.

Jesus Christ


Flights going with bags of cash and coming back with thousands of bags of knickers with elastic straps sown on.


This is a farce now. The MC, for want of a better term, umming and ahhing while scrolling through his texts to pick out journalistsā€™ questions. The panel then giving incomplete answers, distancing themselves from tricky questions or washing their hands (puns intended) of it completely. All while sitting in a warehouse with mounds of (partly shoddy) PPE stacked up behind them. The PR war never stops in the greater war against Covid-19.

The market works, outsourcing works.

Lads here are under serious pressure, thereā€™s a good few here this morning with their head in the hands this morning after an awful feed of drink, coupled up with the savage pressure of the disease. Mistakes are being made


When the leader of the country engages in PR what do you think the underlings are goona do? Shameful.

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A few are just illiterate too though

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Wont be long before we have hyper pathetically

I donā€™t think you understand the pressure @anon60384913 is under.

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I put it down to age, not that the Scandinavians are supposed to be some kind of master race.

FFG on here " denis brosnan is amazing for getting stuff from China"
FFG on here " paddy cosgrove is a wanker for getting stuff from China"


Apologies and amended( yes is was meant to be thus far). Please donā€™t judge too harshly as in the case of ā€œRest Biteā€ , your calling out Roaster colloquialisms on those who know no better.