Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


Someone pick the flueshirts and #concannonbots off the ground

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They make it in Charleville now dont they?

The Flushirts are all spin.

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Course he hasnā€™t. You never hear a peep out of the man

Heā€™s The same man who queried how one of his managers in Kerry had such a low golf handicap.


My ould fella is a mighty man for funerals. This crisis has been particularly cruelā€¦ A rise in funerals numbers but he canā€™t go to any of them.


Whenever you are about to respond to this lad on a covid topic just remember that he genuinely wants a lot of people to die so that he can shite on about Leoā€™s PR machine. Then donā€™t respond. Heā€™s like the virus, he needs a host to survive.


Are we secretly making baby food all over the country?

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Youā€™re nobody around here these days unless somebody has accused you of wanting a load of people to die so you can prove a political point.

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Weā€™ve fellas happy to let people die because they canā€™t admit mental health is an issue as well.

Nobody said Denis Brosnan got anything did they?

@johnnysachs is an SF man isnā€™t he?


Itā€™s no secret. Ireland is one of the worlds leading producers of baby food


I am anything but FFG.

They do. Another place down near Macroom make it as well. Think itā€™s called Nutricia. Might be owned or once owned by Danone.

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no idea mate

Danone had the most annoying adverts on the telly there for a while.

Mmmm Danone. Are they gone to the wall?

The day job is still busy thankfullyā€¦ but the sideline business is dead. The ould fella has the farm under control by and largeā€¦ I suddenly find myself with 20-30 waking hours to spare each week. Iā€™m learning some tough lessonsā€¦ Being busy papers over alot of stuff and learning to relax and smell the flowersā€¦ without drinkā€¦ is a skill I am struggling to master but it gets easier each day.

This crisis is will change some lads forever.