Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Iā€™d say we should lay off the showboating lads. We only got our testing kits on Thursday didnā€™t we? @TheBird did you get your test yet? No sign of mine or the young fellas, ordered last Monday. I know of a couple of others in the same boat. Iā€™d imagine they profiled and reckon weā€™re unlikely but still, you only have to be wrong a few times to set of another giant batch if cases.


Please Fuck let this be a trendā€¦ If they are still going down by Tuesday/Wednesday we will have this mother fucker on the run.

I donā€™t for a second believe the Chinese numbers, but millions dead and no one told is Jim Corr territory of delusion.



I canā€™t vouch for what the teenager townies are doing in this but I think generally the people are taking social distancing quite seriously. I know two youngish lads coming back from foreign countries, one of whom has been home a few days and another who is coming home in a few days and they are both taking the 14 day self isolation seriously. Social media has completely ground to a halt as well which is a good sign for people staying away from each other


@anon7035031 what, possibly false, stereotypical Irish characteristic can we put the good numbers today down to?
Is it possible it doesnā€™t like the rain? Or Guinness? How are the Nigerians holding up actually.

Iā€™d echo the sentiments of @Juhniallio. Those figures, whilst encouraging, are most likely the results of tests taken up to 7 days ago. The ramp-up in testing since has been major.

Next Friday or Saturday will give a far truer picture of where we are. I fear that we will be looking at 8-10K by then.

Stay safe people.


This is from 3 weeks ago

Come on ta fuck, we have this

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Its probably not feasible for it to keep going down with all the new testing centres set up in the last few days

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I saw a gang of about 8 of them in very close proximity to each other at one of the watch stations on the ardmore cliff walk. I think it was four couples, early 20s.

Iā€™d have thrown a few fucks into them only for I had the 2 ladies with me.

I told them to spread out and there was a few tuts.

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Yes but I never claimed there were millions dead, I said a dissident had reported on the phones number.

It is fascinating though that people have been projecting Spanish flu numbers which would be in the hundreds of millions dead worldwide, but the same people canā€™t accept China could lose 6 or 8 million even though they have nearly a quarter of the worlds population.

So to repeat my point the Chinese numbers only make sense if they have either found an effective treatment or thereā€™s a lot more dead. They would not have been able to magic it away so quickly with testing and isolation countrywide.

A modern day St Patrick

The utter randomness of Irish culture.

We are either testing more every day or we arenā€™t. Whether those people have been waiting 4 days for the results or not is largely irrelevant.
The facts are theyā€™ve tested far more today than this time last week and the numbers havenā€™t risen dramatically. Theyā€™ve tested more today than yesterday and found less as well.

Itā€™s a good news story, very early doors though. There is currently no need for total lockdown. Give the current measures time to work through and see where we stand.

We need to shorten the waiting time for the tests while continuing to increase the amount of people we are testing. Not easy to do both. Big challenge

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At least the good news is that we canā€™t ever reach the 8.2 million deaths Chi-na has had


Maybe our begrudging nature has something to do with it

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They couldnā€™t cover up a pot hole in this country anyway

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Some fellas would even begrudge a fella the glamour of having COVID-19

Youā€™re missing the point. A test taken yesterday, whatever itā€™s result, is not going to be included in the stats for today. Or tomorrow, for that matter.

Greater testing, welcome as it is, inevitably leads to greater positives.