Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

It would be highly unusual for those who recover to not develop immunity for any viral infection.

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It’s not. Every pandemic has had a peak and a fall off. The difference is that in the 21st century there is no number that is an acceptable loss of life. The virus will eventually burn itself out by infecting so many people or there will be a vaccine.

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Given there were no efforts to stop the spread in January to early March, you would have a lot of young and middle aged deaths already if COVID-19 had a high mortality rate for those groups.

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The famous ‘herd immunity’ has to be considered. Long term we have to be exposed to COVID-19 to cut down on the number of cases. What is happening now is to try to stagger the cases so health systems can deal with it. Once is looks like they can in the relatively normal course of events then restrictions are relaxed, but probably not the high at risk.

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Dr Mike Ryan of the world health organisation basically said with the right measures in place we can follow china, Hong Kong and Japan in moving forward and living with this virus. He said it may always be here now. He was very complimentary of Leo.

Not at all


More lies

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They are ramping up the lockdown for 2 weeks. Message from my man in Harcourt St

More stringent lockdown restrictions coming in Monday with more powers for guards to stop people going to unnecessary places. Major checkpoints happening on all major routes in Dublin I presume the same in Galway!

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Huh? Dr. Leo is out there on the frontline, fronting up.

Seriously mate? We had this thing almost beaten, and this is what you come back with.

After the checkpoints have come down U2 will be able to make a follow up to Achtung Baby called “Come back here young fella”. The follow up to that will be called “Zoonosis”.

Up to now the Gardai have no legal basis to stop anybody going about their business but it seems most people have voluntarily stayed at home. Longer it goes on more people will tire of it and start to go back to normal so some high profile checkpoints to send a message.

Welcome back mate. We need a few weeks of tough love.


Checkpoint Cathal

That was yesterday, today he is on the frontline and tomorrow he will have the cure. Keep up man.

The Shinners are seething. What are all their work shy deputies doing in this time of crisis?


Thats it in a nutshell. The guards pretty much have carte blanche from tomorrow to do whatever they like. Their hope is, as everyones is I am sure, that the figures stabalize over the next week or so and then we see a gradual decrease which will lead to things slowly but surely getting back to normal. Guards are more worried than anyone about the lockdown continuing into May., they are seeing first hand the damage it is causing in households now.


the guards already have checkpoints out in leafy Malahide

I weclome this


We had some wonderful news in malahide today.

The BCG vaccine correlation is interesting, one of many factors involved, but there’s some logic to it helping. This map shows countries that have had and still have BCG vaccination (most of the world outside western Europe and north America), countries that stopped it decades ago (UK, Spain, France, Germany) and countries that have never had it (US, Italy, Netherlands).