Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

He impresses me every time I hear him. Heā€™s a fantastic cut of a roaster that wouldnā€™t be out of place at a mart or ateing sandwiches from tin foil on a footpath outside Croke park.


Heā€™s like a fella thatā€™s going to drink a gallon or two when this is all over alright.

good to hear

take it to the BCG thread mate

Sorry mate, didnā€™t know there was one.

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Some operation

Iā€™m starting to think that your folks have a farm of land

Updated 2017, did we not forego compulsory vaccination in 2015 - map doesnā€™t match timelines.

Iā€™m crying reading that.

we are at war, we will be at Lombardy levels per capita in 2 days, pray for me, Iā€™m packing up all the gear here now


The same lads saying ā€œwe are at warā€ at the same lads telling us theyā€™re going nuts because they canā€™t go the pub and demanding an end to restrictions. :grin:


Are they?

Iā€™d imagine the map is fairly approximate alright.

Get well soon Boris.


Apologies actually, it gives individual country data/timelines if you click into a specific country.

I am hearing a story, second hand info, of someone who died, not sure yet if it was from heart failure, heart failure due to the virus, or the virus, but was told to go home from the hospital when they first went in.

The virus attacks the heart as well as the lungs

It doesnā€™t

It does you know, and so does the flu and other respiratory diseases.

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