Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The body’s response to the virus causes strain on the heart.

Incorrect, read the above article.

Would it be negligence by the hospital then to send him away? Strange times I suppose… Person was in early 40s as well.

I’ve read a different report where they said they hadn’t found evidence of direct viral infection in the heart.

it affects the heart

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You’ll be grand so


It does but it has to be borne in mind that you linked a tweet by a Fox News media “personality” this morning who is spinning a narrative that people are dying with COVID-19 rather than from it, and that therefore the threat of COVID-19 is overblown.

Viral Myocarditis It’s the most likely explanation for @cowpat’s example above. Can get it even from the common cold, the cause of a lot of sudden deaths in younger people.

A separate disease to covid 19 then

Sounds like we need to double down on the lockdown

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Balbec country?

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Not necessarily, Covid-19 could be the virus that caused it. Or another virus.

But it’s a good point in terms of deaths associated with covid-19, as the cause of death is being reported as Covid-19 if the patient tests positive. Maybe there were multiple things that contributed. Especially in older patients they may have multiple diseases, heart disease, etc.

Looks like we have lads here who would argue to the ends of the earth that people don’t die from a fall but from the landing.

Christ, can you imagine the guilt of the horsey set if this could affect horses?


Where would that be?

Kilmallock area

They would have cancelled Cheltenham if they’d known that.



I worked with that fella for a few summers when I was younger. Very sound, funny fella. Was shocked when I heard it.

Got the full low down there a while ago from a friend of a good friend of his. Sad stuff.