Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Iā€™ve heard of a man in his 60s in the north east who passed away from this. Attended a family gathering in England in late February, got sick a fortnight or so later in the second week of March and died a couple of weeks later. They think he got sick in England. :cold_sweat:

The story had made it over here this morning. Was asked about it when I went to the local SV.

I dont think so.

Cunts over there testing Tigers and we canā€™t get results for humans

The missus was talking to a friend of hers, the husband has symptoms, fever, cough, sore throat.

The gp isnt sending him for a test, hes been told to isolate as he isnā€™t high risk.

Hes 3 days with symptoms and had been going in to work before it. That wonā€™t be traced now if he has it.

Very detailed map of the area and incident provided

A lad flouting the rules to go buy cigarettes in the middle of a respiratory pandemic.

You have to say thatā€™s a very continental story.

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Have you got the results back yet? @TheBird

Still nothing. We were tested in the last two slots available last Tuesday week. Coming up on two weeks waiting for results. Iā€™m feeling fine now and as an aside an uncle of mine with Alzheimerā€™s in his eighties tested positive with it in a care home in England and Is doing fine.

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Some joke

The fags must be very cheap in Spain.

Yep. Iā€™ve isolated since 6 days before the test itself. Iā€™m convinced I had it but mild. Iā€™d love to get an answer confirming that I had it, all five of us in the house had whatever I had, which is nuts, as weā€™ve never ALL come down with the same thing.


Good stuff lad Iā€™m glad you are better !

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Be brilliant if itā€™s positive ā€¦ You can all do as you please . Will you be given a passport if itā€™s positive? The guards beating the head off you and you try to explain to them youā€™re immune.

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Iā€™ve yet to meet a man who was immune to a batinā€™ from the guards

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Iā€™d be like Blade, a day walker.


Iā€™d recommend this boom for everyone here. Particularly chapter 13 which details the SARS and MERS outbreaks. Also shows the south Korean reaction which explains why they have coped so well during this outbreak. We have been warned.

The author was on Joe Rogan a number of weeks ago. The link was shared here several times.


just make sure you get some official paper to say you can spit freely in public and as far from your house as you like.

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Digital information via a microchip should do the trick.

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