Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Iā€™ll be tagged like a fucking greyhound.

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Inevitable but eerily confirming biblical prophecies.

The bible predicted chipping?

He reckoned 96m infections and nearly 500k deaths didnā€™t he?

Yeah worse case if no vaccine is found. The US is heading that way and if you multiple the chinese number by a conservative 5 your heading towards it.

Catching up by skimming through some 400 posts and I am very surprised that we donā€™t have an expert on the international dairy industry. No mention of Arla or Fontera.

Yeah , " mark of the beast " interpreted as being locked into a personal ID & history system with biological constraints.

Iā€™d have to rewatch that, he meant in total over the course of the whole thing? Weā€™re at 70k with lots of mitigation efforts as it is.

Hopefully no where near the 500k but thatā€™s approx 0.5% death rate currently the death rate is .56% of 1.25 million confirmed cases. But we are heading that way

Maybe you skimmed too quickly and it pasteurise.


Just thinking thatā€™s quite a low number given that he said it was unmitigated and what weā€™re on now already.

I guess he was doing a back of a fag packet calculation himself given the limited data back then but would be interested in his early 96m infections in particularly.

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Anything similar for deaths

Youā€™re still pushing this despite loads of evidence people with symptoms are not being test. And plenty thst have been tested are still waiting on results 12 days laterā€¦ Fuck knows how they are staggering results also.

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Iā€™m just after watching Contagion on Netflix. The trigger lock is coming off the gun tonight.


I heard of a woman who died of Covid-19 in nursing home at 4am Saturday morning, Her family were told to be at graveyard at 10am. She was lowered down by funeral directors all with mask and gloves, lad in hazmat suit filled the grave in. Family were all spaced away from each other and went off separately. Fucking madness!


Iā€™ve enough of it in the shed to cover everyone on TFK.


Injections for the rural fellas and pour-on for the urbanites i suppose? Dont forget yourself either.