Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Impossible to tell. You could argue that these countries will be able to deal with new cases better now than previously.

Bigger issue is people overseas returning to Spain, Italy etc.

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That’s exactly it, nobody knows how many have been infected. I suppose in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan we can say they limited the spread due to aggressive restrictions and testing/isolation early on, but now they have the problem of the great majority not being immune. There’s no good answer.

I think the best we can hope for is a substantial decline now due to mitigation efforts, hope for a lull in the summer due to warmer weather, and get treatment options ramped up for the inevitable second wave.

The wife’s aunt, elderly, underlying health problems, contracted this coronavirus and died within a couple of days. No service, 5 people allowed at graveside. Her husband has it too and won’t leave the house.

But sure who cares. They’re old and would have died soon anyway.

May she RIP mate


Thanks pal. To be fair, I wouldn’t have known her too well. But it’s just how quick this kills people.

RIP. I think the funeral thing is an over reaction. They are treating this like it’s the black death. It’s a respiratory disease, a closed coffin should be no danger to anyone. Let people grieve ffs.

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Joe Rogan recommends? Must add it to my stocking filler…

Joking aside, Joe’s bro science is grating. Surprised he hasn’t said auyhuasca can cure covid. But he does get good guests and this author is one

Last words publicly uttered by Dr. Ai Fen, Chinese doctor who worked in the Emergency Department of Wuhan Hospital with silenced (and dead) whistle blower, Dr Li Wenlaing.

“If I had known what was to happen, I would not have cared about the reprimand. I would have fucking talked about it to whoever, where ever I could”.

We are at 1.2 million now based on offical figures. Considering lack of testing in UK and US so far. 3rd world hasn’t got the brunt of it yet but with little resource to test and that you cannot take the Chinese numbers seriously it is possible that 96m could be hit by july/aug/mid Sept. 96m is 1.28% of global population.

The CCP are giving the Brits a run for the most evil empire in history


He had the author on to explain what’s going on. He is one of world leaders in infectious disease research in the world. Considering his an expert and not some roaster throwing out opinions online might be worth listening to. Theres some bold claims made here. Worse elsewhere

I was talking about deaths.

Infections are impossible to know right now.

Deaths are difficult to know but of the 96m. Is accurate at .5% the current death rate at offical figures than half a million worldwide is a good punt

Sorry for your loss.

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Sorry to hear that.
But this is what’s really pissing me off. The amount of people downplaying this under the umbrella of "they probably would have died anyway "
Easy to say . Not so easy to live with when it directly effects you.


Agreed. There’s no good time to die.

Saying that, I’d prefer he pushed under a bus than end up in a nursing home.

Even at a fairly conservative 10% increase a day on the current numbers you’d be at 96m in 40 days or so. Mid May or so.

I’d say given the amount of people who’ve had it and don’t know or couldn’t be tested and recovered etc, you could easily be at 20m plus already and only a few weeks from 96m.

nursing home rules for residents are probably the most depressing thing you will ever read

You won’t be short of volunteers anyway for this.