Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I would still be in favour of a total lockdown. Kill the fucker once and for all.If by some miracle we managed to rid ourselves within the next 4/6 weeks, the economy could come out of this relatively unscathed.


Thereā€™s a few flaws in his arguments about testing but to be honest I donā€™t want to agitate him further.

Iā€™m not so sure Mike. What about the 2nd wave. You can flatten the curve but I donā€™t think we can stop it.

But sure thereā€™s no getting rid of this. Weā€™ll just keep re-importing it over and over even if we do somehow manage to stop it.
What do we do then? Total lockdown every time thereā€™s a positive?

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Close the airports and the ports and activate the navy.

Nobody knows anything :hammer: :hammer:

Una is not happy

Way too early to ready anything into the figures. As Iā€™ve said a few times, cases alone is a nothing figure really as its dependent on testing. The real number to be watching nightly is the number in ICU. Itā€™s currently 13 and hasnā€™t been increasing at the same rate as cases. This is promising but itā€™s this night next week will really show where we are heading.


Asymptomatic carriers is another pure cunt of this bastard. When the numbers are dropping more vigilance is needed because complacency could set in.

ā€œThe pandemic that preceded this one was of anxiety and burnoutā€ :laughing: God help us

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Mother of Christ I think thatā€™s maximum snowflake

Surely when everyone goes back to normal we would just get another wave of it? I donā€™t think things will get back till normal until there is a vaccine.

Heā€™ll catch his death

Maybe the ultimate end here is we contain it as best we can. Reopen everything and then shutdown on a local basis as cases arise over the next few months.
Keep the borders closed for another few months as well and quarantine anyone coming in.
Hopefully then the summer slows it and we are further down the line in terms of treatment at least by the time the autumn comes around.
We are a long way from containing it ourselves yet though

Is the most likely outcome that this isnā€™t going to end until a vaccine comes and weā€™ll just eventually have to get on with it?

If immunity is clinically proven then people with immunity are going to have to be allowed start things back slowly.

You could then do controlled infections as stupid as that sounds of low risk people to up the numbers with immunity, keep at risk people isolated as long as it takes, unfortunately.

Not necessarily. Loath as I am to deputise the UK approach into anything, but herd immunity will eventually take hold, even in the absence of a vaccine.

However that will not in itself prevent many deaths in the immediate term.

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The most likely outcome is enough people will get it over whatever time period to achieve herd immunity. Then it will die out from not having enough new hosts.

Thatā€™s more likely than a vaccine that works imo in the next year, but I could be wrong hopefully.

Thatā€™s based on the assumption that immunity is developed and you 100% canā€™t carry the virus again.
