Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

More lies.

This song often goes around my head when I read TFK, particularly
Poor old man, he had an accident with a 3 bar fire but that’s ok because he wasn’t very happy anyway,
Poor woman, strangled in her very own bed as she lay, but that’s ok, because she was old and she would have died anyway,
Don’t blame the sweet and tender hooligan

In the midst of life we are in death, etcetera


Eh, good one mate.


You’ve waited a long time for that opportunity.

Much like everything else in his life, it had to be handed to him, and when it was, he fucked it up as well.


Deaths are the easiest to know, we can count bodies and extrapolate. It’s better than guessing how many will be infected in the future, based on a guess of how many have been infected.

So all this stay at home lark has been for nought?

I dunno, I’ve gotten a fuckload of jobs done around the house, I’ve the yong fella working off both sides, and I’ve managed to clear out a lot of the beer I had in the place since the Christmas.

Its not been all bad.


Do you sleep at all?

That was a Labanebot, brought to you by a developer working for the Russian Federation.

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Finally , all roads lead to Cheltenham---- cc @Tassotti

Those free postcards sent out by An Post are a nice touch.

They really were. Got the lil ones to send them to two of our spinster aunts and they loved them. Should keep them in the mind when the Wills are being written up.

Deaths are far easier to know.

I wonder did he mean the US only as the numbers seem low to me globally tbh.

I think it’s worth remembering for everyone that we do two days of COVID19.

That’s the day we go in and the day we come out.

God bless, all.


It looks like comparing straight out with Italy, we are only a couple days out from our uptick in exponential growth in deaths.

We should know fairly soon if the measures have an effect.

Odds are it was already pretty rampant in Northern Italy before they had time to react. Breda on Facebook aside, it wasn’t the same story here. That alone should effect a big difference in the graphs.

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He fought against the fascists of Franco and the fascists of Hitler, and was Paris’s Bob Paisley when he liberated it in 1944.

Thank you Rafael and RIP.


Are there still fuckwits on here pushing the line that the Scandinavians as a master race won’t die in as many numbers as the eyetalans…