Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Unfortunately it doesnt look the measures have been able to prevent it getting into nursing homes and this is where the damage will be done. Over half the NH clusters have only been identified in recent days so I think this week could get very bad.

our deaths are tracking along the same curve as Italy as they did at the beginning but our new cases aren’t. they are much much lower, we should have seen a steepening in the curve by now on all known measures.

Which A) lends to huge optimism that we’ve got this under control
B) Our testing isn’t working and we’ve no true reflection of where we are.

The nursing home situation is terrible.



I would have been very positive on our testing and measures taken up to recently but I think you can pretty much disregard the new cases metric as we aren’t getting anywhere near an accurate reflection on cases. Also our hospital and ICU admissions aren’t giving a good indicator as to potential deaths as it seems a large number of deaths are coming from outside of the ICUs.

I still think we reacted reasonably strongly, reasonably early in the cycle.
If the hospitals don’t see a flood of admissions this week then I think we’ll be in a good position to manage things going forward.

Why are we not updating the recovered figures? We’ve only 25 people recovered going by stats.

Mate, stop exciting yourself with these imaginary comparison graphs. They’ll drive you demented and are completely pointless


looking at the numbers it seems to be at around the 200 death mark globally where the uptick in growth happens. We are in and around that now. If we maintain a flat daily death rate then hopefully that’s a good sign.

I’d imagine the poor souls in nursing homes won’t affect the ICU numbers greatly. Jesus that’s an awful sentence to type out

Because it seems like we don’t have any follow up procedures in place for people who test positive but don’t require hospitalisation? I could be wrong on that.

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I’m very encouraged by recent figures and pronouncements that we have the current situation where we want it, just waiting on the pharma crowd to sort us long term, and I trust the people who have the big decisions to make as regards our current state of living


we’ll be the only country with no one cured from this bastard thing.

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Seamus on Facebook said it will be ok

I think that Austria time table is a very realistic one for everyone providing we keep on like we are.

May as well not bother sending secondary schools or colleges back at this stage if we are only sending them in for late May anyway. But they can do the leaving, I presume colleges are going on projects etc this year. Primary schools can go back for a month or so I guess, but again that’s not really important in the overall scheme of things, maybe more for the childcare element than anything.

I think we can move to let businesses reopen at end of the month as long as they don’t need a huge amount of public interaction, but still encouraging those who can work from home to continue to do so.

Be no harm to get 6th years and junior certs in for revision sessions — but not regular classes per se. I think we’ll be looking at the end of May here … Some services opening for June bank holiday but people still advised to keep distancing up.

There won’t be a normality to go back to if we wait until the June bank holiday.
They’ll have to ease off before then.

No bars or restaurants and shit like that but everything that doesn’t involve gatherings of people will have to go back, while continuing to encourage people who can work from home to do so

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Will they still do 3 cans for a tenner in the dog track in Thurles this summer?

by my reading of it France are about 10 days behind Italy, Germany are roughly the same behind France, and Ireland, Austria, Sweden et al are 10 days behind Germany. Germany are in their uptick now and are still maintaining a relatively flat curve in relation to deaths. But I presume they’ve got a relatively large ICU capacity and stringent testing/contact tracing.

As I said in around 200 deaths is where you start to see the trajectory of the curve. The next few days will tell a lot here.

Yes but you’ll have to drink the three of them yourself in your car

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But sure you’ve just decided that. We’ve no idea when the first Italian case was. The Germans had a confirmed case before Italy. Different countries are not comparable. It’s pointless


Were you not cured?

He was. All the long walks and fresh air while he was self isolating sorted it right out.