Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Iā€™m going off deaths mate, cases per country is a largely irrelevant number because of differences in testing. there seems to be a 10 day lag in when each country reached a certain number of deaths and in and around 200 seems to be where the curve steepens, pretty much everywhere.

The trajectory of the curve is very important after that point. We are there now.

But sure we donā€™t even know how many deaths Italy had from it before they found out they had it.

and yet the consistency remains in the data - from 200 on you start to see the trajectory of the curve. where the curve originates is largely irrelevant. On all known data, there is a roughly 10 day lag between the countries I mentioned on this single data point.

we are at the point now where the trajectory of our curve will become apparent

I was never diagnosed with anything, mate.

Thereā€™s something very off about this thing. Thereā€™s no logic to it at all. We are missing a massive factor.

Places like Malaysia should be riddled and should have been the first places in trouble given its proximity and connectedness to China. But it seems that while it is affected itā€™s doing okay so far.

Yet Italy, Spain and the US are overrun in a matter of weeks


Coronavirus-related deaths in Spain have dropped for the fourth consecutive day in a row, according to the latest figures released on Monday, showing 637 deaths in the past 24 hours, the lowest number in nearly two weeks

Fatalities, which were sharply down on the record 950 on Thursday, brought the total deaths in the country to 13,055, second only to Italy, AFP reports.

The number of new infections also slowed, rising 3.3 percent to 135,032, down from a rise of 24.8 percent on 21 March. Over 40,000 coronavirus patients have been discharged from hospital - nearly 30% of all confirmed cases of the disease.


Lesser strain released in China and bordering regions.

They sent plane loads of agents infected with a far more potent version of the virus on planes to Europe and the US.


pH levels are off the charts in those three countries - large amounts of meat, dairy and alcohol ā€¦ and everything processed and junk food in the states.

This is a gut issue more than a virus issue - the Germans have unreal gut health and are smashing it.


All so they could make money from PPE.

Are Germany smashing it or just managing it better?

The lockdown will be over by mid May. Weā€™ll be back to a version of normal life wearing masks.

Merkel is in on it with the Chinese, sheā€™s taking out the lazy Spanish and Italians and those ignorant cunts in the UK

Bit of both but their death rate is very low. Fermented foods and purity laws on their beer shining through.

if you look at the heat map for cases globally, the worst affected areas seem to be on a direct track across in a certain area east to west.

It seems to be spreading horizontally and not vertically. Maybe thatā€™s to do with the nature of travel of people (more flights in Northern Hemisphere, especially Europe etc), or climate, or wind, could be anything. But it looks like a pattern

Gut health.

Ireland had tested more than the US about 3 weeks ago. I think this is just a coincidence quite frankly.

What has that got to do with anything?

Sorry I was talking more about the spread.

I wasnā€™t necessarily talking about east to west as a directional spread, more across that track of the globe. read east - west/ west - east. It looks like a pattern, donā€™t know why, but largely the most affected areas in terms of deaths and cases are within that area.

Rich countries are being disproportionately affected. Maybe itā€™s because we are all fat lazy bastards, or maybe itā€™s because we have older populations, or maybe itā€™s because the CoronaVirus is a Chi-na commie conspiracy