Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Iā€™ve ordered a load of keifer milk there. Iā€™ve a load of spinach and avocados on way also.

Why? You beat this already

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Looking for more attention keeps it at bay


Youā€™ll regret that when youre in an ICU ward next week.


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Possibly related to air traffic routes?

there you go. Airplanes are the death of usā€¦ If you overlayed a heatmap of infections it wouldnā€™t look too dissimilar to this Iā€™d wager

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I told you already the start of the surge will be Easter weekend.

By the way deaths is also unreliable as countries are recording them differently too.

What surge, deaths?

Why will it start then?

It takes that long for those Cheltenham attendees to spread it around.

Is he on about deaths/ ICU figures or confirmed cases?

It goes buck ape of a bank holiday weekend


I donā€™t know. What will surge @glasagusban and why?

Nursing Homes or National Hunt


Heā€™s refusing to answer now - fucking dickhead.

itā€™s seems to be the only consistent number as a single date point, around 200 deaths is when it reveals the trajectory, however they are reported.

deaths, if you follow global trends, itā€™s around 200 where the growth really begins. How quickly seems to depend on the ICU capacity, which has a dependency I assume on the measures in the weeks leading up to this point. From this point on there will be growth, how steep depends on state of ICU

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The number of cases and the number needing ICU. It will the start of the surge mind.