Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Why will it only surge now? Genuine question

because weā€™ve seen exponential growth everywhere, weā€™re on the point of where it upticks so weā€™ll see the trajectory, i reckon weā€™ll start to see the surge in the next 1 to 3 days

Another cunt begging for deaths so he can be proven right on the Internet

I suppose because thatā€™s when we reach a point where the numbers infected start hit a big enough number that the numbers that get seriously ill and need treatment spikes.

How many times have I to tell you when we will see it?

ok mate, Iā€™m only going on the data. Itā€™s not a pissing contest

Sure 200 deaths is completely different relative to every population size.

You havenā€™t a clue in other words


I know mate, but it seems at that point across all countries, that you begin to see the trajectory of the curve, regardless of any other number or mitigating circumstance. itā€™s a repeating pattern

Have you an estimated number for those infected?

Average of 90 are day usually in Ireland? Iā€™m almost 100% certain we had a forum member who, shall we say, is an absolute notorious liar and makes stuff up on a whim and is also guilty of some of the above abominable attempts at spelling, such as ā€œrest biteā€ and ā€œin clientā€, who told us the other day that we had a couple of hundred deaths a day in Ireland, I think he said 500. Imagine that.

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It seems very arbitrary.

Spain is on the mend!


itā€™s the opposite. Itā€™s the number at which the uptick is consistently showing the trajectory of the graph. Itā€™s the least arbitrary number I could have chosen, i didnā€™t randomly pick it, itā€™s what is reveled by the (known) data.

90-120 deaths a day is our norm.

Spanish Government Aims to Roll Out Basic Income ā€˜Soonā€™

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You are making a clown out of yourself Again :joy: i never said that. Youā€™ve completely made it up. 25,000 is what die in a year in Ireland so thatā€™s around 500 a week. 25000 and 500 should be numbers that stick out in your stupid head. Your yearly salary and your weekly wage. So donā€™t go making up lies again you idiot.

Iā€™d say thatā€™s high enough? is that the republic or the whole island as I know you donā€™t recognise the 26 county state.

Have the nordies broken down the cases by Catholic and Protestant yet? Would be something theyā€™d do.

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