Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

and then you see the trajectory, we’re at that point now, in the next 1-3 days we should see what our curve is beginning to look like

Then mortality rate in Germany, which is currently at 1.6%, is probably the (relatively) closest to reality. It’s likely a combination of factors, early testing, age profile of the infected, identifying people dying from COVID-19 as opposed to dying with COVID-19, better health care system including number of ICU, the purity of their beer, eat lots of sauerkraut, etc.

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Can you increase the increments to 5000 pls and see what the magic number is then.


Gut health, gut health, gut health.

It’s relative to Italy, the worst known case, everywhere is following a similar pattern, just with time delay, at this scale it’s 200, we are there now, at this scale we will see our trajectory in the next 3 days

Complete shit

Yeah its interpreting data based on visual output dictated by the ratios in the X/Y axis inputs. Basically taking the affect the graph has on the data as opposed to other way round. 200 deaths is arbitrary .

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May bank holiday pints for the lads

Includes global numbers… it’s starts to come off the floor at around 200

Sweden is a bit ahead of us.

China performed miracles

We’ll all be in wife beaters wearing our BCG marks with pride.

Can I see your ID please? Thank you, and the dent on your arm? Great. Enjoy your pints

Big sweaty fuckers piling in packing out the pubs out.

What I wouldn’t give for that now.

A beer garden, a bit of sun, and 10 pints.

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Pubs are going to struggle with the almost certain social distancing rules which are likely to carry on for a number of months.

Ah here… Can you mark in each 200 increment on that please.



here’s a better visual of it. The graph starts to come off the floor at around 200 deaths for both Europe and USA

it looks like USA are 10-12 days behind Europe on the curve. They look on a pretty steep trajectory

You do understand the notion that humans are pattern seeking apes right?