Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

If immunity isn’t developed then we are utterly fucked as a vaccine won’t work either.

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Nothing yet. Maybe they are concentrating of people who are more unwell. I girl who trained with my wife has been transferred to virus testing and she was working this weekend. I suppose they are still ramping up all the time.

You’re still posting away which is a great sign. Stay well mate.



I think there is high confidence that immunity can be developed, i haven’t seen any evidence of second cases. But it will have to be clinically proven before it’s a legitimate strategy to actively seek herd immunity

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I knew they’d find a use for them eventually. Eh @Bandage lol


“Hurl”, “culchie”. No doubt some teenager from South Dublins Instagram account who’s parents have a holiday home in Courtown.

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It’s a judgment call, really.

Perversely, herd immunity has a far better chance of taking hold if social distancing measures are relaxed. For me, I’ll go with what we’re being advised.

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It’s all we can do

That’s it. ICU, hospitalization and the deaths.

He’s there will be herd immunity but what kind of butchers bill will there be for it?

No one from South Dublin goes to Courtown unless you count Jobstown

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I was in Wexford earlier and had to kill sometime so I drove around to see were there many illicit congregations.

Hardly anyone around and I drove through renowned rebel territories such as Coolcotts and Pinewood.

Cc @Bandage

Yesterday Italy had around 2,600 in ICU.
They’ve had nearly 800 deaths since those figures but now have approx 2,850 in ICU. That’s about another 1,000 people into ICU in 24 hours. Things are looking even more bleak in the short term.

That doesn’t look like Tesco Wexford

You’re assuming all 800 of those were in ICU. Based upon the anecdotal reporting, lack of ICU beds and the resulting life and death triaging is partially responsible for a lot of the deaths. Also mention the other night that the death rate is under-reported as it doesn’t include pneumonia cases in nursing homes etc

Your main point about the short-term future for Italy is sadly correct though I fear

Why are we any different?

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That’s sobering, also worrying is our numbers per head of population are just over double the UK although the larger the population the more lenient the concept.