Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

That boy needs to strike out on his own, even a little bit


Cc @Julio_Geordio

Paolo looks like an even more weathered Roy Keane in that photo.

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Is it still afraid of going to Monaghan?

I agree not to get complacent but we had actually tested a lot of people relative to other countries by last Monday. I saw a table that we were second per head of population to SK but would need to dig it out again. We are going to be ramping that up even further.

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Would the women be hard to pull ?

aaron mckenna

kevin mcbride

Can you blame it


We had tested 6 or 7 times more per capita versus UK or US

The chinese hospitals were able to accommodate a much higher percentage of patients especially with that ones they specifically built for it. They were able to care for and ventilate a high percentage of patients, pretty much anyone who needed a ventilator got one. These cunts actually built a wall not like the yanks don’t forget. Their health service was geared for all citizens not just the Wealthy

Italy is completely overwhelmed, their beds are clogged up and new cases are being left without any treatment whatsoever

Early hospitalisation was for isolation. Some of those healthcare were travel related.

Also just from today I read we’ve done 10k tests.

Per head of pop when Italy had a similar number tested they had 24.7k positive cases which would he around 2k positives here. They also, more crucially i think, had 1,809 deaths at that stage. That would be around 151 deaths here. Hard to gauge hospital stats but we still only have 13 in ICU, all in they were doing far worse at a similar stage of testing.

I ~think~ we are lower on the curve than them. We will reach a serious crisis point but hopefully it won’t be as sustained as it has been for them.

The healthcare numbers are a concern but inevitable. The hospital rate is very hard to judge at this point.

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And we were level with the UK the week before. We seriously ramped up whilst the UK slowed down.

Are those not inflated by the fact that early cases isolated in the hospital?

And to add, of that Italy had them focused on one particularly area. So the results look more positive when that’s considered.

We have a focus of cases on dense areas certainly, but not the all in explosion of cases in one area like Italy.


Three wankers


This is interesting regarding Italy

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