Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The landlord of the pub should have his next licence application refused

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The cops have indicated that theyā€™ll object to licence renewals. Will be interesting to see if they do.

They should be named and shamed. Thereā€™ll be a reckoning when the dust has settled. We invented the boycott in this country.

I hope they do make examples out of them incase something like this outbreak ever happens in the future


Iā€™ve had this conversation with a so called intelligent person. Ah sure the numbers are small. Weā€™ll be alright etc. Fucking hell

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Thereā€™s only one solution to this and it involves a sock full of coins

Some people will lie to themselves Iā€™m the face of the evidence to avoid fear and reality. Its just a defence mechanism

I wouldnā€™t be too hard on them


Last week social distances and washing your hands. Saturday pubs and restaurants closed, Monday they told us to stay indoors. Yesterday they banned everything but essential travel and closed the borders with surrounding countries. Why? WE WERE NOT TAKING IT SERIOUSLY

Theyā€™ve closed the beaches and the banks of rivers plus public parks. Now if you want to phsyicly exercise it has to be within 500mts of your address. All this because WE WERE NOT TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY.

All this because itā€™s here and spreading which means more and more pressure on the excellent health system here. People are somehow notgetting the message from Italy and Spain. Weā€™re not taking this period SERIOUSLY. We will next week.

Spain had itā€™s highest death figures to date. 627 people died in Italy IN THE LAST 24hrs. They took bodies in the dead of night by army truck. The military are now on the streets. All this because two weeks ago THEY DIDNā€™T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY

Tell me, how many people is it ok to die in Ireland per 24hrs? 6? 16? 60? 600?
You have time to TAKE IT SERIOUSLY which will help reduce the deaths in the coming weeks. But only if you TAKE IT SERIOUSLY NOW. Not tomorrow now. NOW NOW

PLEASE TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Itā€™s a slow moving tsunami thatā€™s coming for your old people, your sick and your vulnerable people. Your parents, your neighbours and friends. The only way to reduce this cost it is TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.

Meet less people everyday. The best number of people to meet is none. Keep between 1 and 3 metres between you and the person beside you. If you canā€™t have this space stay away. Avoid touching surfaces, handles, buttons, bannisters, etc.and wash your hands. TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY

TAKE IT SERIOUSLY NOW or pay the higher price in the 1 to 3 weeks to come.

Who isnā€™t taking this seriously? I would say by and large people are taking it very seriously already


By and large isnā€™t good enough.


I would be of the ilk to report the numpties that are out there

I would be but I havenā€™t left the house yet today. I think Iā€™ll go for a walk in a few minutes when I charge my phone up a bit.

Not the case in this scenario. Startling.

If we do end up sending in the army to police some ā€œtrouble spotsā€ it will be interesting to see the turn in attitude of some on here.

Iā€™m the same might take a stroll out myself furthest I have been today was standing at the back door getting air.
I have to say the kids have been a dream considering we are a week in so far.

I do know of an 80 year old lady who was forced to move in with her younger sister and brother in law around the corner and isnā€™t very happy, keeps asking when she can go home. Gets taken out for a walk and complains sheā€™s the new dog and oft threatens to run away

Weā€™re encouraged to go for walks as long as we are responsible while outside right?


Lucky for yourself, I have to put up with a cunt of a brother who isnā€™t pulling his weight one little bit and has engaged in selfish, manipulative, bulllying and hectoring behaviour for the past 10 days and just denied me watching Maradona so he can sit there gormlessly with a cunting channel on he isnā€™t even watching. Fucking thick cunt.


That is my understanding. Still allowed jogging too canā€™t wait to get back into it